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[takep] capture a screen shot && upload

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takep 1.0 dev.deb

md5sum 4d8964434e05b6ad86d8375f875fc444 takep-1.0-dev.deb

Usage: takep with:
-c capture a screen shot of your current window
-a capture a screen shot of your desktop


Creaza un screenshot , folosind optiunea -a va face un screen la intreg desktop-ul , folosind optiunea -c va face un screen doar la terminalul de unde vine rulat.

Urca imaginea pe omploader si genereaza in automat un link catre ea

Link-ul vine direct copiat in memorie , va trebui doar facut paste dupa ce apare o notifica de genul : Screen-shot uploaded , Url Copied to the clipboard


apt-get install libnotify-bin scrot curl grep sed xsel xwit

Exemplu folosind optiunea -a Vezi link

Exemplu folosind optiunea -c Vezi link

Edited by pyth0n3
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md5sum 3a3785afad967a5b45291a1ec8fb8db2 takep-1.1-dev.deb

Urca imaginea pe imageshack.us si genereaza in automat un link catre ea

Link-ul vine direct copiat in memorie , va trebui doar facut paste dupa ce apare o notifica de genul : Screen-shot uploaded , Url Copied to the clipboard


sudo dpkg -i takep-1.1-dev.deb 

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Basic screenshot maker + uploader

Dependente: scrot , curl ,grep

Am renuntat la cateva dependente sa poata fi folosit pe diverse sisteme

Va genera link-ul in terminal

Screenshot Maker + Uploader

#Purpose: Screen && Upload Image , Automatically Generate URL to Share
#scrot -> http://freshmeat.net/projects/scrot/
#curl -> http://curl.haxx.se/
#grep -> http://www.gnu.org/s/grep/
#Author: pyth0n3
#Blog: http://pyth0n3.blogspot.com/


function display {
echo "Usage: takep with:
-c capture a screen shot of your current window
-a capture a screen shot of your desktop
-d wait num seconds befor taking a shot
(Example: takep -d 3)"

if [ "$IN" = "-c" ]; then
scrot -u /tmp/myscreen.jpg\
&& curl -H Expect: -F fileupload="@/tmp/myscreen.jpg" -F\
xml=yes -# "http://www.imageshack.us/index.php" | grep image_link\
| grep -o http[^\<]* && rm -f /tmp/myscreen.jpg
elif [ "$IN" = "-a" ]; then
scrot -b /tmp/myscreen.jpg\
&& curl -H Expect: -F fileupload="@/tmp/myscreen.jpg" -F\
xml=yes -# "http://www.imageshack.us/index.php" | grep image_link\
| grep -o http[^\<]* && rm -f /tmp/myscreen.jpg
elif [ "$IN" = "-d" ]; then
scrot -d $2 -c /tmp/myscreen.jpg\
&& curl -H Expect: -F fileupload="@/tmp/myscreen.jpg" -F\
xml=yes -# "http://www.imageshack.us/index.php" | grep image_link\
| grep -o http[^\<]* && rm -f /tmp/myscreen.jpg


wget http://sprunge.us/CFVX -O takep.sh && cp takep /usr/local/bin/takep && chmod +x  /usr/local/bin/takep

Just Uploader:

#Purpose: Uploader, Generate URL to Share
#Dependencies: curl , grep

function display {
echo "Usage:
takeup <path_to_picture>
Example: takeup /home/user/picture_to_upload.jpg"

if [ "${IN##*.}" = "jpg" ]; then
curl -H Expect: -F fileupload="@$IN" -F\
xml=yes -# "http://www.imageshack.us/index.php" | grep image_link\
| grep -o http[^\<]*


wget http://sprunge.us/MWOP -O takeup.sh 

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