Nytro Posted November 7, 2011 Report Posted November 7, 2011 iSpy: Using Reflections To Spy On iPhonesRahul Raguram, Andrew M. White, Dibenyendu Goswami,Fabian Monrose and Jan-Michael FrahmDepartment of Computer Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel HillChapel Hill, North Carolina{rraguram,amw,dgoswami,fabian,jmf}@cs.unc.eduABSTRACTWe investigate the implications of the ubiquity of personalmobile devices and reveal new techniques for compromisingthe privacy of users typing on virtual keyboards. Speci-cally, we show that so-called compromising reections (in,for example, a victim's sunglasses) of a device's screen aresuficient to enable automated reconstruction, from video, oftext typed on a virtual keyboard. Despite our deliberate useof low cost commodity video cameras, we are able to com-pensate for variables such as arbitrary camera and devicepositioning and motion through the application of advancedcomputer vision and machine learning techniques. Usingfootage captured in realistic environments (e.g., on a bus),we show that we are able to reconstruct uent translations ofrecorded data in almost all of the test cases, correcting users'typing mistakes at the same time. We believe these resultshighlight the importance of adjusting privacy expectationsin response to emerging technologies.Download:http://dl.packetstormsecurity.net/papers/general/CCS2011.pdfSursa: iSpy: Using Reflections To Spy On iPhones ? Packet Storm Quote