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Tools u need for cracking XXX sites

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AATools v5.50 (Cracked) :

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Brutus AET2 : Bruteforce style program...

C-Parse :

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CCBILL Ripper :

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CMX Exploiter IV :

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Final Ares Complete Edition :

Another BruteForce program...

Gaa Moa's Proxychecker :

Utility for collecting and verifing proxies...

Goldeneye :

Limited a little by its fake detection but never the less a must have utility...

IBill Ripper :

A handy utility for any exploiter...

John the Ripper :

Decryption tool. The one and only JTR. If you have to ask you don't need

Password Generator :

For generating secure passwords...

Proxy Checker 7.0 :

Proxy Analyser Tool with lots of features.(Serial included in the zip)

Raptor 3 :

The ultimate wordlist utility... A must for any newbie or seasoned pro..

Wordlist :

Excellent newbie wordlist!!!

XFactor Tutorial :

Our own superb BruteForce util XFactor , broken down in a step by step easy to follow tutorial!



PT AIA CARE SE OCUPAU DE SITE-URI XXX in curand si un tut foarte extins si bun

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