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Cross-Platform Java Exploit (Cve-2011-3544) Demonstration

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[h=4]Cross-Platform Java Exploit (Cve-2011-3544) Demonstration[/h]

Description: This video uses Armitage and Metasploit to demonstrate a new cross-platform Java exploit. This exploit uses a loophole in the Java API to execute a payload outside of Java's security sandbox without requiring a user to approve some action. This works in Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Safari on Windows, MacOS X, and presumably Linux. Java 1.6.0u27, Java 1.7.0, and older versions are vulnerable.

Sursa: Cross-Platform Java Exploit (Cve-2011-3544) Demonstration

Exemplu de folosire al exploitului Java Rhino cu Armitage. Simplu si extrem de eficient.

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