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DeepSec 2010: OsmocomBB: A tool for GSM protocol level security analysis of GSM netwo

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[h=1]DeepSec 2010: OsmocomBB: A tool for GSM protocol level security analysis of GSM networks[/h]Thanks to the DeepSec organisation for making these videos available and let me share the videos on YouTube.

Speaker: Harald Welte, hmw-consulting

The OsmocomBB project is a Free Software implementation of the GSM protocol stack running on a mobile phone. For decades, the cellular industry comprised by cellphone chipset makers and network operators keep their hardware and system-level software as well as GSM protocol stack implementations closed. As a result, it was never possible to send arbitrary data at the lower levels of the GSM protocol stack. Existing phones only allow application-level data to be specified, such as SMS messages, IP over GPRS or circuit-switched data (CSD). Using OsmocomBB, the security researcher finally has a tool equivalent to an Ethernet card in the TCP/IP protocol world: A simple transceiver that will send arbitrary protocol messages to a GSM network. Well-known and established techniques like protocol fuzzing can finally be used in GSM networks and reveal how reliable and fault tolerant the equipment used in the GSM networks really is.

For more information visit: Schedule - DeepSec IDSC 2010 Europe - Vienna, November 23-26, 2010

To download the video visit: DeepSec 2010 on Vimeo

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