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Am un cod php care pastreaza ora si adresa php a unui vizitator si introduce datele intr-un fisier .php...

Cod-ul este:

$ipaddress = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
$date = date ("H:i:s dS M");
$message = "<?php /* $date <-|-> $ipaddress * /?>\n";
$myip = "<?php /* $date <-|-> MYIP /* ?>\n";

$File = "ipsave.php";
$Open = fopen($File, "a+");

if ($ipadress = "") {
fwrite($Open, "$myip");
} else {
fclose ($Open);

I.Cea ce vreau eu sa fac este sa pun in ordine numerica..de exemplu

1.<?php /* $date <-|-> x.x.x.x /* ?>

2.<?php /* $date <-|-> x.x.x.x /* ?>

3.<?php /* $date <-|-> x.x.x.x /* ?>

si tot asa..

II.Si as vrea sa stiu cum as putea crypta fisierul ipsave.php cu o cheie unica!

Am gasit codul de mai jos dar nu stiu cum sa il modific incat sa imi crypteze doar fisierul ipsave.php din acelasi fisier..

function encryptFile() {
global $cryptastic;
$pass = PGPPASS;
$salt = PGPSALT;
$key = $cryptastic->pbkdf2($pass, $salt, 1000, 32) or die("Failed to generate secret key.");

if ($handle = opendir(PATH.'/ftpd')) {
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
if ($file != "." && $file != "..") {
$newfile = PATH.'/encrypted/'.$file.'.txt';
$msg = file_get_contents(PATH.'/ftpd/'.$file);
$encrypted = $cryptastic->encrypt($msg, $key) or die("Failed to complete encryption.");
$nfile = fopen($newfile, 'w');
fwrite($nfile, $encrypted);


Multumesc anticipat!

Edited by sharkyz

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