mandeamarian Posted January 11, 2012 Report Posted January 11, 2012 HotKeySet("{F9}", "Terminate") ; daca apesi pe F9, se opreste scriptul... sau cel putin ar trebui;Schimba Optiunile aici!;-------------------------------------------------------------;Numarele la care formezi, separate de un spatiu.;Ex: "1234 4567 7890" etc.Global $numbers = "012263913792983";De cate ori sa formez numarele intr-un cicluGlobal $cycles = 10;Timpul de asteptare intre formari, intr-un ciclu, in secundeGlobal $dialtime = 3;Cat timp sa astept intre ciclurile de formare, in secundeGlobal $waittime = 600;Bagam PIN? 0 = nu, 1 = daGlobal $inputpin = 0;Numar PIN? In format: 1 = {NUMPAD1}, 2 = {NUMPAD2} etc. ;De exemplu, pentru PIN 1234: {NUMPAD1}{NUMPAD2}{NUMPAD3}{NUMPAD4}Global $pin = "{NUMPAD1}{NUMPAD2}{NUMPAD3}{NUMPAD4}";Ce facem dupa ciclul de formare? 0 = nimic, 1 = ascundem zoiper, 2 = omoaram zoiperGlobal $dosomething = 0;Unde sa scriu informatiile?;Ex: 0 cu 0 == colt stanga susGlobal $tipx = 0Global $tipy = 150;-------------------------------------------------------------;NU MAI EDITA DE AICI!Func SleepTime($seconds) for $i = $seconds to 0 step -1 $displaymessage = "Sleeping " & $i & " seconds" $displaytitle = "Dialing " & $numbers ToolTip($displaymessage, $tipx, $tipy, $displaytitle, 1, 5) Sleep(1000) Next Return TrueEndFuncFunc DialNumber($numbertodial) ;WinSetState("Zoiper", "", @SW_DISABLE) ControlClick("Zoiper", "", "[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:1]") ControlSetText("Zoiper", "", "[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:1]", $numbertodial) ControlSend("Zoiper", "", "[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:1]", "{enter}") ;WinSetState("Zoiper", "", @SW_ENABLE) If $inputpin = 1 Then Sleep(4000) WinActivate("Zoiper") Opt("SendKeyDelay", 250) Send($pin) Send("^+3") Opt("SendKeyDelay", 5) EndIf $waitcycle = $dialtime * 1000 Sleep($waitcycle)EndFuncGlobal $arr = StringSplit($numbers, " ")$var=1While $var=1 ; Infinite Loop If ProcessExists("Zoiper.exe") Then ToolTip("Zoiper exists!", $tipx, $tipy, "Checking for Zoiper", 1, 5) Else ToolTip("Zoiper is closed. Running...", $tipx, $tipy, "Checking for Zoiper", 3, 5) Run(@ProgramFilesDir & "\Zoiper Communicator\Zoiper.exe") ToolTip("Waiting for the process to be active", $tipx, $tipy, "Checking for Zoiper", 2, 5) ProcessWait("Zoiper.exe") WinActivate("Zoiper") WinWaitActive("Zoiper") EndIf For $c = 1 to $cycles ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- If $dosomething = 1 Then WinSetState("Zoiper", "", @SW_SHOW) EndIf If IsArray($arr) Then $iMax = UBound($arr) For $i = 1 to $iMax - 1 $displaytext = "Cycle #" & $c & " out of " & $cycles $displaytitle = "Dialing " & $arr[$i] ToolTip($displaytext, $tipx, $tipy, $displaytitle, 2, 5) DialNumber($arr[$i]) Next Endif ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Next If $dosomething = 2 Then ToolTip("Sending the kill...", $tipx, $tipy, "Killing Zoiper", 3, 5) ProcessClose("Zoiper.exe") ToolTip("Waiting for it to dead...", $tipx, $tipy, "Killing Zoiper", 3, 5) ProcessWaitClose("Zoiper.exe", 10) ElseIf $dosomething = 1 Then ToolTip("Hiding!.", $tipx, $tipy, "Hiding Zoiper", 3, 5) WinSetState("Zoiper", "", @SW_HIDE) EndIf SleepTime($waittime)Wendsursa : HotKeySet("{F9}", "Terminate") ; daca apesi pe F9, se opreste scriptul... sau ce - Quote
cactusiNio Posted January 11, 2012 Report Posted January 11, 2012 HotKeySet("{F9}", "Terminate") ; daca apesi pe F9, se opreste scriptul... sau cel putin ar trebui ))) Quote
MadAgent Posted January 12, 2012 Report Posted January 12, 2012 Moama... si comentarii... cine si-a pierdut timpu' sa si comenteze? Quote
MadAgent Posted January 13, 2012 Report Posted January 13, 2012 Auzi... da' aia cum era cand codu' extern e cu spatiu:-? Quote
mandeamarian Posted January 13, 2012 Author Report Posted January 13, 2012 Fii te rog mai explicit.. Quote
MadAgent Posted January 13, 2012 Report Posted January 13, 2012 daca ai cod de iesire 09spatiu adica "09 " cum sunt alea cu centrale analog Quote