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Self Claimed Hacker - Ankit Fadia Hacked by Young Hackers Again and Again !

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Self Claimed Hacker - Ankit Fadia Hacked by Young Hackers Again and Again !


A self proclaimed Indian Hacker, Ankit Fadia became a favorite target of young Indian Hackers the first week of 2012. In last week, Mr. FADIA got hacked two to three times by different young Indian hackers. Last week members of Teamgreyhat managed to breach the website of Mr.Fadia and today another Hacker, "Himanshu Sharma" with the code name “??¢???” hacked the same server on which Ankit's website was hosted.

In this attack these hackers have successfully hacked into the Ankit Fadia's offcial site and exposed lots of credentials including sensitive data, student details, Database credentials (DB Name, User Name & Password) and many more. Not only was Ankit's website hacked, 2508 others sites hosted on same server also got hacked and their databases were also dumped by these young hackers.


Ankit Fadia offers Ankit Fadia Certified Ethical Hacker (AFCEH) certificates to those who take his courses on ethical hacking, where he gives lectures on security tools, techniques and methods. Mr. Fadia also comes on national TV at MTV on a techie show called "What The Hack". Most of the time he claims that he will give a reward to anyone who will hack him (May be in order to promote himself as the most secured hacker). Well, there are 100's of Hackers who hacked Ankit Fadia after this award was announced! So, will Mr. Ankit gives these guys a reward or he will take legal action against them ?

Last year Mr. Ankit was also hacked by Indian and Pakistani Hackers multiple times using various methods. After being hacked then, why has Mr. Fadia not fixed all vulnerabilities ? Is he not aware about all hacking methods ? Or may be he is not able to fix his own website? These Questions are being asked various AFCEH students, who got certification of Hacking from Mr. Fadia.

Mr. Himanshu Sharma at the age of 17, has revealed vulnerabilities for many Fortune 500 companies. He has been listed in the “Hall of Fame” for companies like: Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Apple , Samsung, India TV,IIT Bombay Rediff, Mediafire, Dreamtemplate, TemplateMonster, Channel [V], Pizzahut, Kfc, BBC, Sony and Universities like Stanford University, Virginia University and More..

Why aren’t these young hackers getting any chance to grow ? Why are they not getting a chance to present their talent? Why aren’t they able to help the nation by working for security? Most obviously, these young hackers have much more talent than any other self claimed Hackers. Moreover, Himanshu and all these hackers want to challenge Mr. Fadia on national TV. Well we know that it's a big demand by kids, but they have guts to prove themselves.

We have another interesting article on Pastebin, that contains reasonable truth about all his claims. Read here and here and justify this for yourself.

Sursa: Self Claimed Hacker - Ankit Fadia Hacked by Young Hackers Again and Again ! | The Hacker News (THN)

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