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Anti-debugging with RDTSC

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Anti-debugging with RDTSC


Playing with RDTSC


by Piotr Bania <bania.piotr @ gmail.com>

[: www.piotrbania.com :]

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In this short "article" i will present some anti-debugging tricks done

with usage of RDTSC intruction. This article is mainly bunch of my sick

ideas, written in very fast tempo so sorry for lack of refferences or

language mistakes. So here we start with bit of bunch of facts:

Code: 0F 31

Mnemonic: RDTSC

Description: Loads the current value of the processor's time-stamp counter

into the EDX:EAX registers. The time-stamp counter is contained

in a 64-bit MSR. The high-order 32 bits of the MSR are loaded

into the EDX register, and the low-order 32 bits are loaded into

the EAX register. The processor increments the time-stamp counter

MSR every clock cycle and resets it to 0 whenever the processor

is reset.

The time stamp disable (TSD) flag in register CR4 restricts the

use of the RDTSC instruction. When the TSD flag is clear, the

RDTSC instruction can be executed at any privilege level; when the

flag is set, the instruction can only be executed at privilege level 0.

The time-stamp counter can also be read with the RDMSR instruction,

when executing at privilege level 0. The RDTSC instruction is not a

serializing instruction. Thus, it does not necessarily wait until all

previous instructions have been executed before reading the counter.

Similarly, subsequent instructions may begin execution before the read

operation is performed.

This instruction was introduced into the Intel Architecture in the

Pentium processor.

Most known example


Following codes is trying to prevent the application from single stepping.

It will execute RDTSC twice and then calculate the difference between low

order values and check it with cmp condition. If the difference lays below

0FFFh no debugger is found if it is above or equal then application is

debugged (singlestepped etc.)

;------------------ SNIP -----------------------------------------

mov ecx,eax
sub eax,ecx
cmp eax,0FFFh
jae found_debugger_action

;------------------ SNIP -----------------------------------------

Some crazy ideas


Following tests were done under my Windows XP SP1 on Intel Celeron

2,8ghz - pretty overloaded :). Check following program:

;------------------ SNIP -----------------------------------------

    #include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <windows.h>

#define RDTSC(x,y) __asm rdtsc \
__asm mov x,eax \
__asm mov y,edx

int main()
DWORD a1,b1,a2,b2;
int i;

for (i=0; i<20; i++)
printf("[%.02d] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = %.08x * EDX2-EDX1 = %.08x\n",i,(a2-a1),(b2-b1));

return 0;

;------------------ SNIP -----------------------------------------

What does this program? It simply calculates the difference of RDTSC

values between _lopen api execution. Now check the following output:

Non traced (clear run):


    [00] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 000d9860  * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000
[01] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 0009d768 * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000
[02] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 00098bb8 * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000
[03] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 00086d7c * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000
[04] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 00086270 * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000
[05] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 0008890c * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000
[06] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 00085f98 * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000
[07] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 00086fac * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000
[08] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 0008771c * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000
[09] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 000861ac * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000
[10] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 00086cb8 * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000
[11] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 000887a0 * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000
[12] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 00088714 * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000
[13] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 000873d4 * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000
[14] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 000876ac * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000
[15] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 00086484 * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000
[16] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 00087e8c * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000
[17] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 00088ff0 * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000
[18] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 000868e4 * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000
[19] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 00087f50 * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000

Olly Trace into:


    [00] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 00f98b50  * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000
[01] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 00f23440 * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000
[02] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 010a786e * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000
[03] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 012233e0 * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000
[04] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 00c8ed4c * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000
[05] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 01014bea * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000
[06] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 00d9c25c * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000
[07] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 00d9d34c * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000
[08] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 01f2a304 * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000001
[09] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 00da6e4c * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000
[10] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 01593a9e * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000
[11] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 01dc7ab8 * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000
[12] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 00f0d75a * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000
[13] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 0113998c * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000
[14] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 01c7dfc8 * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000
[15] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 00ddedc0 * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000
[16] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 00cc2308 * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000
[17] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 02318eb8 * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000
[18] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 00c83ec0 * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000
[19] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 02f7e078 * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000

Olly Trace over:


    [00] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 00683da4  * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000
[01] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 0063666c * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000
[02] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 006f1778 * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000
[03] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 006d7618 * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000
[04] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 0062c1d0 * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000
[05] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 0062cca4 * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000
[06] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 00787178 * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000
[07] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 00628d34 * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000
[08] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 00e6ab20 * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000
[09] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 006daab4 * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000
[10] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 00647750 * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000
[11] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 008b898c * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000
[12] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 006e00e4 * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000
[13] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 009bc054 * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000
[14] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 00634200 * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000
[15] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 0074e0d8 * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000
[16] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 0062f19c * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000
[17] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 006404cc * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000
[18] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 009db384 * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000
[19] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 00629824 * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000

Conclusions for tracing


As you can see the EAX2-EAX1 difference is much bigger when

program is traced then if it is clearly runned - well it's

logical. We will use the fact for coding some examples

(code below) now lets check single stepping mode:

Some single stepping:


    [00] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = c387c6c0  * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000001
[01] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 43d8444c * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000
[02] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 465f9ffc * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000
[03] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 478f50d8 * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000
[04] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 46068f98 * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000
[05] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 46767aac * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000
[06] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 4f2e79dc * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000001
[07] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 4b0fc400 * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000001
[08] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 42835c20 * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000001
[09] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 47285570 * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000
[10] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 45cb4330 * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000
[11] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 49d9c1b8 * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000
[12] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 47b0c5e0 * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000
[13] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 45ccf9ac * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000
[14] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 3bb0d8b4 * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000
[15] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 406d1abc * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000
[16] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 4b1ab80c * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000001
[17] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 4111b198 * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000001
[18] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 462c9e94 * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000001
[19] cycle: EAX2-EAX1 = 48844964 * EDX2-EDX1 = 00000000

Conclusions for single stepping


- the EAX2-EAX1 is very high (look trace output to compare)

- also notice the facts EDX2-EDX1 is sometimes 1, so this

is a very good proof of single stepping player around.

Some crazy examples


Try to play with debugger and with breakpoints on _lopen :)

MAX_EAX_TIMING was calculated on the C program output somelines

before this code + some extra range.



;------------------ SNIP -----------------------------------------

        MAX_EAX_TIMING    equ    000eeeeeh

push eax
push edx

push OF_READ
@pushsz "\.\\RANDOM"
@callx _lopen

sub edx,dword ptr [esp]
test edx,edx
jnz found_single_step ; or very slow processor
sub eax,dword ptr [esp+4]

jge found_debugger_action

push 0
@callx ExitProcess

@debug "Single step action was found",0
jmp exit

@debug "Debugger action was found",0
jmp exit

;------------------ SNIP -----------------------------------------



And here is the second example, which calculates the clock time of first

_lopen execution and then executes next _lopen and calculates the same

thing. Then compares both results (including some extra range of 0aaaaaah

- just to cover some speciall EAX2-EAX1 cases in clear mode - look tables

above). If the final difference is larger then 0 we got some bad guy on us.

;------------------ SNIP -----------------------------------------

push eax
push edx

push OF_READ
@pushsz "\.\\RANDOM"
@callx _lopen

sub edx,dword ptr [esp]
test edx,edx
jnz found_single_step ; or very slow processor

sub eax,dword ptr [esp+4]
xchg ebx,eax

push eax
push OF_READ
@pushsz "\.\\RANDOM"
@callx _lopen ; ---> break on this call

sub eax,dword ptr [esp]
add eax,0aaaaah ; some extra value
sub ebx,eax
cmp ebx,0
jle exit
jmp found_debugger_action

push 0
@callx ExitProcess

@debug "Single step action was found",0
jmp exit

@debug "Debugger action was found",0
jmp exit

;------------------ SNIP -----------------------------------------

Sursa: http://piotrbania.com/all/articles/playing_with_rdtsc.txt

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