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Keep your ass safe- Ecrypted Jabber Tutorial

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If you dont know already ... ICQ IS NOT SAFE. they are constantly changing their protocol to not work with programs like pidgin and otr. the server admin can read ALL plain text messages. there are special programs made to scan thru words searching for words like "skimmer" "drops" "carding" "d+p" etc. and then theyll be watching your account like a hawk.

jabber is open source, and a safe protocol. i recommend EVERYONE switch over to jabber. and boycott icq. FUCK ICQ!!!

first get the chat IM program and install it. i like pidgin the best


then get the otr plugin to encrypt chats.

click on the first link that says "WIN32 installer for pidgin-otr"


install pidgin first to the default directory ... then install the otr plugin.

then sign up for a public jabber(XMPP) account at any of the sites listed or any other ones you may have done your research on.



to enable OTR messaging open pidgin ... go to tools ... click plugins. then scroll down untill you see "Off-the-record Messaging" and make sure the little box beside it is checked.

now you need to link your jabber account to pidgin ... at the top goto accounts, then click manage accounts. a box will pop up. now click add. there will be a little drop down menu beside protocol. click on this and scroll down to XMPP.

in username type in your username from jabber.org

in domain type in jabber.org

in password type in your password.

(replace domain jabber.org if you signed up with another server)

in a few seconds you should be connected and can start adding your fellow jabber friends

Encrypted chats:

once a chat box is opened with one of your friends. you will notice in the bottom right hand side in RED writing "Not Private" click on this and goto Start Private Conversation.

now assuming that your friend also has OTR installed, within a few seconds it will change from "Not Private" to "Unverified" again, you want to click on "Unverified" and click on "Authenticate buddy"

there are various ways to authenticate your buddy. one thats simple is asking a question. like what color is the sky? Answer: Blue.

Once your buddy has entered the correct answer to your question, the letters in the right hand side will now say "Private" Now your safe to chat.

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Eu asta folosesc doar ca de obicei nu dau authenticate buddy pentru ca daca stiu cu cien vorbesc nu prea am de ce sa dau authenticate.

oricum si fata de asta cred ca PSI cu GPG e mult mai safe si oricum PSI`ul are o interfata mult mai prietenoasa

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