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Sick Link and Index Checker - check if your link appears on a set of web pages

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To Install: http://sickmarketing.com/products/linkchecker/sicklinkchecker.exe

Download from the link above

Save the exe someplace you will remember

Run the exe

To Run a Back Link Check:

Your Sites - Large Lists: You can load a large list of sites your checking for from a .txt file (one URL per line) by pressing the load sites button and selecting the file

Your Sites - Small List: You can type a small list of URL's your checking for in the text field below the load box

Your Backlinks: You Load your list of backlinks to be checked by pressing the Load Backlinks button and loading a txt file (one URL per line)

The Sick Link Checker will default to checking your sites against the base URL

If you want to check for the exact URL in Your sites select "Check exact URL" - Note: http:// , http://www. will be treated differently by selecting this

Select the number of threads for the Sick Link Checker to use. - Note: to many threads can cause timeouts which will show as a fail

Press Start

Exporting Back Link Check Results:

To Export to File: Press Export to File then Select Found Links or Not Found Links

To Copy to Clipboard: Press Copy to clipboard then Select Found Links or Not Found Links

To Run a Index Check:

Your Sites - Large Lists: You can load a large list of sites your checking for from a .txt file (one URL per line) by pressing the load sites button and selecting the file

Your Sites - Small List: You can type a small list of URL's your checking for in the text field below the load box

Check the "Check if indexed" box

Decide if you want to Check Google, Bing or Both by checking the appropriate boxes

The Sick Link Checker will default to checking your sites against the base URL

If you want to check for the exact URL in Your sites select "Check exact URL" - Note: http:// , http://www. will be treated differently by selecting this

Select the number of threads for the Sick Link Checker to use. - Note: to many threads can cause timeouts which will show as a fail

Press Start

Exporting Index Check Results:

To Export to File: Press Export to File then Select Indexed Links, Indexed in Google or Indexed in Bing

To Copy to Clipboard: Press Copy to clipboard then Select Indexed Links, Indexed in Google or Indexed in Bing

Sharing the Sick Link Checker:

Please share the Sick Link Checker anywhere you can. Link Checker is free and will remain that way

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