Nytro Posted February 29, 2012 Report Posted February 29, 2012 Metasploit - Low Level ViewSaad Talaat (saadtalaat _ gmail.com)ForwardAbstract: for the past decade (almost) Metasploit have been number onepentesting tool. A lot of plug-ins have been developed specially for it. However, the key-point of this paper is to discuss metasploit framework as acode injector and payload encoder. Another key-point of this paper is malware different forms and how toavoid anti-viruses which have been a pain for pentesters lately. And howexactly anti-malware software work.IntroductionEvading anti-viruses have been a painful issue for pentesters for years. Onthe other hand a birth of an anti-virus evading technique means blackhatsand skiddies will have another way to hack without being detected.Over the years metasploit framework have been working in one techniqueon evading anti-viruses which is encoding.For a year or two some encoding techniques worked fine. Nowadays It'snearly impossible to get encoded payload that evades anti-virus frommetasploit's encoders no matter how many iterations you do.Download:[URL]http://cdn01.exploit-db.com/wp-content/themes/exploit/docs/18532.pdf[/URL] Quote