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Pinkie Pie Earns $60K At Pwn2Own With Three Chromium 0-Day Exploits

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[h=2]Pinkie Pie Earns $60K At Pwn2Own With Three Chromium 0-Day Exploits[/h]Tackhead writes "Hot on the hooves of Sergey Glazunov's hack 5-minutes into Pwn2Own, an image of an axe-wielding pink pony was the mark of success for a hacker with the handle of Pinkie Pie. Pinkie Pie subtly tweaked Chromium's sandbox design by chaining together three zero-day vulnerabilities, thereby widening his appeal to $60K in prize money, another shot at a job opportunity at the Googleplex, and instantly making Google's $1M Pwnium contest about 20% cooler. (Let the record show that Slashdot was six years ahead of this particular curve, and that April Fool's Day is less than a month away.)"

Vedeti: Teen Exploits Three Zero-Day Vulns for $60K Win in Google Chrome Hack Contest | Threat Level | Wired.com

Sursa: Pinkie Pie Earns $60K At Pwn2Own With Three Chromium 0-Day Exploits - Slashdot

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