Nytro Posted March 19, 2012 Report Posted March 19, 2012 [h=1]Apache Tomcat Remote Exploit (PUT Request) and Account Scanner[/h]ISOWAREZ RELEASEBy KINGCOPE - YEAR 2012-== Apache Tomcat Remote Exploit and Account Scanner ==-the modified pnscan scanner utility scans a range of IPs to find openapache tomcat serversby trying the following login access combinations:tomcat:tomcatpassword:passwordadmin:adminadmin:passwordadmin:<nopassword>tomcat:<nopassword>the included perl script can be used to unlock apache tomcat serversremotely by using the collected login combinations.it will retrieve either a root or SYSTEM reverse shell depending onthe operating systemor the equivalent of a reverse shell as the current user tomcat is running as.the exploit might contain metasploit logic (thanks to jduck).Enjoy :>/Kingcopehttp://www.exploit-db.com/sploits/tomcat-remote.zipSursa: Apache Tomcat Remote Exploit (PUT Request) and Account Scanner Quote