Nytro Posted April 11, 2012 Report Posted April 11, 2012 [h=1]GoingNative 5: Inside the Visual C++ IDE, Meet Raul Pérez[/h] Posted: Dec 28, 2011 at 10:21 AM By: Charles Happy Holidays to all of you out there who are in some sort of holiday state. If not, then happy holidays anyway from Diego, Charles, C9, and VC We don't cover software testing—the job discipline—often enough on C9. We aim to change that starting now.A friend of Diego's on the VC++ team, Raul Pérez, is a software developer from Puerto Rico who works in QA for the Visual C++ IDE team. He writes tests to make sure the very-front-end of the VC toolchain—the IDE and its design-time compiler infrastructure—works as expected. There's a lot going on when you type characters into the VC++ editor. What happens, exactly? Why? What types of things can make Intellisense fast? What types of things can hinder the performance of the IDE? How does all of this magic happen? There's a compiler involved in all of this. It's not the front-end compiler (cl), but it is a front-end compiler and it compiles your source into data that's stored in a local DB for design-time use by Intellisense, Go-To-Definition, Syntax Coloring, Reference Highlighting, Auto-Completion, etc... All of these things are part of the set of IDE features that make Visual C++ visual... So, meet Raul and learn a thing or two about how the IDE works under the covers and how the system has evolved over time.Table of Contents (click time code links to navigate player accordingly)[00:00] GoingNative();//Getting faster at show construction - still have some optimizations to make...[01:56] Charles interviews Raul about Raul and the VC++ design-time system (Intellisense, Go-to-Definition, Auto-complete, Syntax coloring, etc...)[37:20] ~GoingNative(); //We're really performant this timeWe really want to hear from you, so please tweet feedback to @C9GoingNative (follow us!) and send your requests, ideas, complaints, praises, hate mail, and love letters to C9GoingNative [at] hotmail [dot] com. We will read and respond to all messages! That's how we roll, brothers and sisters. And if you're a Facebook user, please join our C9::GoingNative Facebook group.Go native!Download:http://ch9files.blob.core.windows.net/ch9/cbd3/4b7b0d6f-d9a8-4b9d-af65-9fc10010cbd3/C9GoingNative5RaulFrontEndIDE_2MB_ch9.wmvhttp://ch9files.blob.core.windows.net/ch9/cbd3/4b7b0d6f-d9a8-4b9d-af65-9fc10010cbd3/C9GoingNative5RaulFrontEndIDE_high_ch9.mp4Online:http://channel9.msdn.com/Shows/C9-GoingNative/GoingNative-5-Inside-the-Visual-C-ID-Meet-Raul-Prez Quote