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Guest Kovalski

Putty versus Moba xterm

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Guest Kovalski

Salut, am vazut ca multi folosesc ca si client ssh Putty, eu vreau sa promovez si sa recomand moba xterm.



Multi tasking


XDMCP sessions

text editor

file transfer

vim editor

picture viewer

acii table



hw devices list

open ports list


1-4 terminal mode in acelasi screen

"write command in all terminals"


MobaXterm is a toolbox for working in a professional computer environment: it contains a complete set of remote clients (SSH, Telnet, Rlogin, RDP, VNC, XDMCP, FTP, SFTP, Serial), an X11 server and several Unix commands packaged in a multitab environment. The aim of MobaXterm is to allow professional users such as system administrators, developpers, website designers and all other computer users to perform remote tasks easily.

MobaXterm allows you to launch remote sessions. You just have to click on the "Sessions" button to start a new session.

You can then choose to create a new SSH, Telnet, Rlogin, RDP, VNC, XDMCP, FTP, SFTP or Serial session. Every session you start is automatically saved.

You can edit, delete, move, import or export sessions by right-clicking on them in the left MobaXterm sidebar. You can also create a desktop shortcut in order to automatically launch a session or a group of sessions at MobaXterm startup.

MobaXterm features a great terminal with a bash shell script which allows users to run Unix commands as if they were logged on a GNU/Linux computer. There are several Unix commands available inside the terminal: ssh, telnet, rlogin, rsh, rsync, wget, vim, corkscrew, httping, fdupes, iperf, mathomatic, xhost, xprop, xdpyinfo, xmodmap, xkill, Xorg...

The terminal (based on MinTTY and PuTTY by Andy Koppe and Simon Tatham) provides a bunch of settings that can be tuned in order to suit your needs (font, background/foreground colors, antialiasing, old keyboards compatibility, ...). The default terminal parameters can be set by clicking on the "Settings" button.

The multitab environment allows you to work with several terminals or remote sessions at the same time. You can toggle between "multitab" mode, "2-terminals" mode and "4-terminals" mode by clicking on the "Split" button.

MobaXterm brings another really useful mode called "Multi-execution" mode. This mode allows you to display all your terminals at the same time and to write your commands to all of them at once: when you press a keyboard key, it will write the same letters on all your terminals at once. This mode can be activated by pressing the "MultiExec" button.

MobaXterm comes with useful Unix command-line utilities, but also built-in graphical tools such as a fast picture viewer, a developpers text editor, a file/folder comparison tool, a ports analyzer and a packet capture tool.

The feature which is in our opinion the most useful may be the graphical SFTP browser: when you log to a remote server using SSH, a graphical SFTP browser pops up on in the left sidebar allowing you to drag and drop files directly from or to the remote server using a secure SFTP connection.

In the SFTP side browser, you can double-click on a remote file in order to edit it directly using your favorite program. Your changes will be saved to the remote server automatically!

This command allows you to open your local files. This command will open your documents using the Windows default association for your document type.

open http://www.google.com

open MyDocuments/MyWork.pdf

- cygpath command

This command allows you to work with dos/unix paths. You can obtain the Dos path from a given Unix path and vice-versa. You can also list your computer paths like the Windows, System, Desktop, Profiles and Start Menu paths.

echo "/bin PATH = $(cygpath -w /bin)"

echo "System PATH = $(cygpath -u -S)"

- /drives mount path

This directory contains a mount point for each drive of your computer. You can for example browse your system drive by cd to /drives/c/

cat /drives/c/Windows/win.ini

PicView /drives/d/MyPhotos/Photo36.jpg

- /registry virtual folder

This folder is a virtual directory containing your registry keys and values. You can open and read a registry key by doing a simple "cat" of these virtual files.

cat /registry/HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/DevicePath

cat "/registry/HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Explorer/Shell Folders/CommonPictures"

- // mount point

You can also browse computers from your network neighborhood by typing //<remote_computer>

PicView //server1/share1/Photo36.jpg

edit //server2/Documents/program.c

- Executing native Windows programs

You can execute native Windows programs from MobaXterm as you would in a "cmd" console.

ipconfig /all

netsh -c interface dump


net user



- Other useful commands

There are several other useful commands for interacting with Windows, like editrights, shutdown, regtool, ps, passwd, MobaControl, mkshortcut, MobaSwInfo, MobaHwInfo, MobaTaskList, MobaKillTask, MobaControl[...]

2.b. Network utilities

- Remote computing

MobaXterm includes some useful command line clients for executing commands on remote computers:

. ssh (utility to access shell accounts using a secure crypted connection)

. telnet (useful to login to remote system hosts)

. rlogin (same aim as telnet but using a different protocol)

. rsh (useful for sending commands on remote computers, especially using the passwordless feature)

Do not forget that you can bookmark your connections using the bookmarks feature (see the corresponding section for more information). You can also set up passwordless connections with rsh or ssh, there is also a corresponding section to this feature.

- DISPLAY settings

MobaXterm includes an X server so that it can display X11-based graphical programs.

By default, an X server is started at MobaXterm startup. Your DISPLAY environment variable is automatically set and it is written in your terminal startup message. When you use a remote computing client to connect to a Unix computer, you can export your DISPLAY to your local Windows desktop thanks to MobaXterm. When you use a SSH connection, if the remote server supports X11-Forwarding, your DISPLAY is automatically set and it will be sent through the SSH connection to your Windows desktop.

telnet remoteserver1

export DISPLAY=localcomputer1:0.0



ssh -l root remoteserver1


- File transfer

MobaXterm includes some useful clients for transferring files

. ftp (File Transfert Protocol)

. sftp/scp (File Transfert using a secure crypted SSH connection)

. rcp (Copy files to/from remote computers using the rsh protocol)

. wget (download files through http/ftp protocol with enhanced settings)

. rsync (synchronize directories through a network with incremental capabilities and enhanced options)

scp /drives/c/Photo36.jpg root@server1:/tmp/

- Network monitoring

MobaXterm includes 2 useful utilities for monitoring your network:

. TCPCapture (allows you to capture network packets)

. MobaListPorts (allows you to list all open ports with their current state)

. httping (monitor your web server)

. iperf (monitor the available bandwidth on your network)

2.c. MobaXterm interface

- Tab interface

MobaXterm can start several independent terminals thanks to a tab-based interface.

Use the appropriate button to create new tabs, close existing tabs, cycling through tabs or rename tabs.

- Split modes

MobaXterm allows you to display some terminals in the same Window just as you would do using the "screen" utility.

You can display 2 terminals in horizontal or vertical mode, or even 4 terminals in the same Window

- Save/Print features

MobaXterm allows you to save your terminal output to a file, or to print it using the appropriate buttons from the top toolbar.

- Options dialog

You can edit your options using the corresponding button from the top toolbar. Your options will be saved to an INI file. You can select a persistent home directory for keeping your files and parameters instead of having your home directory in a temporary folder. You can also select the terminal fonts, colors, skin, transparency, keyboard shortcuts, specify a font server, etc...

- Sessions

You can store your connection settings in bookmarks that are stored in your INI file. Sessions can be accessed easily through the corresponding menu in the top toolbar or in the left sidebar, but you can also create a desktop shortcut to each session in order to launch them easily.

2.d. Other utilities

- Editors

MobaXterm includes everything you need to edit text files: vi on command line, nedit for a graphical editor or MobaTextEditor which is a light but powerful editor for developpers with textdiff utilities.

- Miscellaneous

. MobaPictureViewer (Display pictures in fullscreen with zoom features)

. MobaTextDiff (Diff utility for text files)

. MobaFoldersDiff (Diff utility for folders)

. fdupes (Find and erase duplicate files)

. mathomatic (computer algebra system)

- Plugins

Some commands can be added to MobaXterm thanks to the use of plugins. You can download some ready-to-use plugins at the following address.

You can connect to an SSH server without supplying any password: this is useful if you want to run shell scripts that are not interactive. This can be done in 2 steps:

- On client side

You will have to generate a public rsa key on the client. This can be done by typing

ssh-keygen -t rsa

- On server side

Copy the file that has been generated on the client (".ssh/id_rsa.pub") to the ~/.ssh/ directory of the server and rename it to "authorized_keys".

scp .ssh/id_rsa.pub user1@server1:.ssh/authorized_keys

3.b. Set up a passwordless rsh connection

You can connect to an RSH server without supplying any password: this is useful if you want to run shell scripts that are not interactive. This can be done in 1 step:

- Using /etc/hosts.equiv

Edit the /etc/hosts.equiv file on server side: you can specify in this file the authorized users that will be able to connect to the server without supplying any password. The file syntax is:

<computer_name> <user_name>

- Using ~/.rhosts

Edit the ~/.rhosts file on server side: you can specify in this file the authorized users that will be able to connect to the server using the current account without supplying any password. The file syntax is:

<computer_name> <user_name>

3.c. Execute a shell script at MobaXterm startup

- Using commandline parameters

You can edit a shell script (be careful, it has to be in Unix and not Dos format) and run it at MobaXterm startup. You just have to launch MobaXterm with the following command line:

MobaXterm.exe <script_file>

- Using bookmarks

Create a new bookmark, select the "Custom shell script" option in the dropdown menu and edit your shell script. You can then click on your bookmark and choose to create a desktop shortcut to this bookmark.

(incerc sa sustin munca baietilor de la mobatek)

Edited by ps-axl
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E ok desi nu am reusit sa inteleg niciodata de ce sistemele Unix ar trebui administrate dintrun client Windows

Cand mi-au spus pentru prima data sa instalez Xming MobaXterm sau Reflection X nu stiam la ce naiba se refera si ce folos ar avea.Nu de alta dar mi sa spus ca fara unul din aceste programe nu se poate face nimic, iar eu nestiind ca au emulat un X server si pentru platforma Windows si ca aceste programe nu fac altceva decat sa ofere un X window ma intrebam daca exista asa ceva si pentru Linux .A fost greu si atunci cand a trebuit sa invat sa folosesc un nou tool si anume Outlook care si in momentul de fata sta intrun sistem virtualizat deoarece inca nu am decis cum sa ii fac porting complet in Linux pentru a folosi in mod complet Exchange.Mi sa spus cum poti spune ca cunosti sistemele Unix daca nu ai mai folosit Xming MobaXterm sau Reflection X? iar eu habar nu aveam ce fac aceste aplicatii si ce feature extra mi-ar putea oferi inafara de ceea ce un sistem Linux ofera deja.

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