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Linus Torvalds to Nvidia: “Fuck You”

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During a packed-house discussion with students and developers at Aalto University in Helsinki, Finland, Linus Torvalds, the chief architect of the Linux kernel, talked for more than an hour about software, hardware, and all the issues faced by developers today. But there are two seconds that markedly stood out more than anything else.

One of the questions posed by someone in the audience was about Nvidia’s lack of compatibility with Linux. “I was expecting that maybe Nvidia would kind of chip in and do something for it, but they said flat out, ‘No. We’re not doing any support … What’s your comments on this?” she asked. Torvalds tried to be diplomatic at first, saying, “”I know exactly what you’re talking about … Nvidia has been one of the worst trouble spots we’ve had with hardware manufacturers.”

But then he just let loose, finishing his comments with this great sound byte: “Nvidia has been the single worst company we’ve ever dealth with. So Nvidia, f*** you.” Yeah, he actually said the f-word, and not only that, he also flipped the bird. Want to see this for yourself? You better believe it’s on YouTube. Check out the video below and go to 48:14 to see the entire exchange.

Linux architect Linus Torvalds to Nvidia: “F*** You” - SlashGear
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