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Deface page creator:

Use: deface.py yourpage.html

import sys
import time
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print 'Usage deface.py index.html , this will create an index.html file with deface .'

file = sys.argv[1]
myfile = open(file,'w')

print ' Colors: '
print '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------'
print ' | black | white | '
print '================================================================'
while True:
var = raw_input ('1.Type the color for background here => ')
if var in ['black','white']: break
print 'Wrong color..!'
print >> myfile, '<body bgcolor=','"',(var),'"','>'
print '================================================================'
print ' Colors '
print ' | black | white | green | red | purple | blue | gray | '
print '================================================================'

while True:
var1 = raw_input ('2.Type the text color here => ')
if var1 in ['black','white','green','orange','red','purple','blue','gray']: break
print 'Wrong color..!'
print >> myfile, '<p align="center"><b><font color=','"',(var1),'"','size="3">'

if var == 'black':
print '================================================================'
print ' Choose an image : '
print '| hacked1 | fingerprint | spy | hacked2 | silence | gameover |'
print '| leg | hand | hitman | smoke | hacked3 | '
print ' | other | '
print '================================================================'

while True:
var4 = raw_input ('3.Put the image name here => ')
if var4 in ['hacked1','fingerprint','spy','hacked2','silence','gameover','leg','hand','hitman','smoke','hacked3','other']: break
print 'Wrong image name..! '
print '================================================================'
if var4 == 'fingerprint':
print >> myfile,' <center><img src="http://www.mandel.ro/logos/animFingerprintBlack.gif"></center>'
if var4 == 'hacked1':
print >> myfile,' <center><img src="http://site.mynet.com/the_chip/hacked2323.jpg"></center>'
if var4 == 'spy':
print >> myfile,' <center><img src="http://www.bluesilk.hu/images/stories/spy.gif"></center>'
if var4 == 'hacked2':
print >> myfile,' <center><img src="http://expclan.comli.com/index_files/43084476ii9.png"></center>'
if var4 == 'silence':
print >> myfile,' <center><img src="http://demafmipauns.files.wordpress.com/2010/05/sayu0i.jpg"></center>'
if var4 == 'gameover':
print >> myfile, '<center><img src="http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/4974/yumaqalt.jpg"></center>'
if var4 == 'leg':
print >> myfile, '<center><img src="http://img268.imageshack.us/img268/6802/thehackerericborgozone1.jpg"></center>'
if var4 == 'hand':
print >> myfile, '<center><img src="http://i728.photobucket.com/albums/ww286/vyc0d/owned.jpg"></center>'
if var4 == 'hitman':
print >> myfile, '<center><img src="http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:lYCsFDr4o7mh1M:http://www.renoascensori.it/hacked.jpg&t=1"></center>'
if var4 == 'smoke':
print >> myfile, '<center><img src="http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:YgDh8qCPAtwgoM:http://i46.tinypic.com/2gtxdo1.jpg&t=1"></center>'
if var4 == 'hacked3':
print >> myfile, '<center><img src="http://img.webme.com/pic/c/cobbra-g3ncii/hacked.jpg"></center>'
if var4 == 'other':
while True:
var4 = raw_input ('Please enter the URL of your picture here: ' )
if var4.endswith(('.jpg','.png','.gif','.JPG','.PNG','.GIF')) : break
print 'Wrong image name..! '
print >> myfile,'<center><img src="',(var4),'"></center>'

if var == 'white':
print '================================================================'
print ' Choose an image : '
print ' | eye | door | fingerprint | wanted | sleep | other | '
print '================================================================'
while True:
var4 = raw_input ('3.Put the image name here => ')
if var4 in ['door','fingerprint','wanted','sleep','eye','other']: break
print 'Wrong image...'
print '================================================================'
if var4 == 'door':
print >> myfile,'<center><img src="http://www.cdscreative.com/images/door.jpg"></center>'
if var4 == 'fingerprint':
print >> myfile,' <center><img src="http://www.idfpr.com/DPR/images/fingerprint.gif"></center>'
if var4 == 'wanted':
print >> myfile,' <center><img src="http://www.allstarcardsinc.com/_derived/buy_list.htm_txt_wanted1.gif"></center>'
if var4 == 'sleep' :
print >> myfile,' <center><img src="http://www.do2learn.com/picturecards/images/imageschedule/sleep_l.gif"></center>'
if var4 == 'eye' :
print >> myfile,' <center><img src="http://www.christina-reysen.com/images/eye_open.gif"></center>'
if var4 == 'other':
while True:
var4 = raw_input ('Please enter the URL of your picture here: ' )
if var4.endswith(('.jpg','.png','.gif','.JPG','.PNG','.GIF')) : break
print 'Must enter an URL that contains an image file..! '
print >> myfile,'<center><img src="',(var4),'"></center>'

print '================================================================'
while True:
var2 = raw_input ('4.put your signature here => ')
if len(var2) < 30 : break
print 'Signature too large..!'
print >> myfile, '<script>'
print >> myfile, 'if (document.layers)'
print >> myfile, 'var ns4def=""'
print >> myfile, '</script>'
print >> myfile, '<p align="center"><b><font size="4">'
print >> myfile, '<h2 id="flyin"style="position:relative;left:-400;font-style:italic"'
print >> myfile, 'style=&{ns4def};>'
print >> myfile, '<font face="Arial">','Owned by',(var2),'</font></h2>'
print >> myfile, '</font></b></p>'
print >> myfile, '<script language="JavaScript1.2">'
print >> myfile, 'if (document.getElementById||document.all)'
print >> myfile, 'var crossheader=document.getElementById? document.getElementById("flyin").style : document.all.flyin.style'
print >> myfile, 'function animatein(){'
print >> myfile, 'if (parseInt(crossheader.left)<0)'
print >> myfile, 'crossheader.left=parseInt(crossheader.left)+20'
print >> myfile, 'else{'
print >> myfile, 'crossheader.left=0'
print >> myfile, 'crossheader.fontStyle="normal"'
print >> myfile, 'clearInterval(start)'
print >> myfile, '}'
print >> myfile, '}'
print >> myfile, 'if (document.getElementById||document.all)'
print >> myfile, 'start=setInterval("animatein()",50)'
print >> myfile, '</script>'
print >> myfile, '<p>'
print >> myfile, '<font face="Tahoma"><a target="_blank"'
print '================================================================'
print ' Choose: '
print ' | yes | no | '
print '================================================================'
while True:
var7 = raw_input ('Do you want to add some other text message?: ')
if var7.lower() == 'no' :
print '================================================================'
print ' Wait...'
print 'Your HTML file is ready ,I will exit now... '
elif var7.lower() == 'yes' : break
print ("Please enter 'yes' or 'no' ...!")
print '================================================================'
print ' Choose one of the color from the list '
print ' | black | white | green | red | purple | blue | gray | '
print '================================================================'
while True:
var8 = raw_input ('Type the text color that you want here => ')
if var8 in ['black','white','green','orange','red','purple','blue','gray ']:break
print 'Wrong color..!'
print >> myfile, '<p align="center"><b><font color=','"',(var8),'"','size="3">'
print '================================================================'
while True:
var9 = raw_input ('Put your comments here => ')
if len(var9) < 150 : break
print 'Comments are too large..!'
print >> myfile, var9
print >> myfile, '</font></b></p>'
print '================================================================'
print 'Processing your HTML file please wait...'
print '...'
print ' Work done ,your HTML file was defaced , i will exit... '

#END [/code]


SQLInject finder:

#!/usr/bin/env python

# sqlinject-finder.py
# Description: Simple python script that parses through a pcap and looks at the
# GET and POST request data for suspicious and possible SQL injects.

import dpkt, re, urllib, sys, getopt

tab = False

#removes inline comments that can sometimes be used for obfuscating the sql
def removeComments(val):
while True:
index = val.find("/*")
index2 = val.find("*/")
if index != -1 and index2 != -1:
#looks like there is some type of SQL obfuscation, let's remove the comments
remove = val[index:index2+2]
val = val.replace(remove, "")

return val

#checks for common sql injection tactics using all the variables from post or get data
def analyzeRequest(vals, sIP, page, frameno):
var = vals[0] #the variable, i.e. in id=1, the var is id
val = vals[1] #the value, i.e. in id=1, the val is 1
val = val.decode('ascii') #not sure if this is really doing anything, but we need to deal with non ascii characters for analysis
val = urllib.unquote(val) #removes url encodings like %20 for space, etc
val = val.replace("+", " ") #sometimes in urls, instead of a space you can have a + . So, we want to remove those for analysis
#print val
display = [False, sIP, page, var, val]
##### Look for obfuscation techniques ######
index = val.find("/*")
if index != -1:
display[0] = True
display.append("Might be attempting to obfuscate a SQL statement with a comment")
val = removeComments(val)

##### Look for commenting out the end of a MSSQL statement ######
index = val.rfind("--")
if index != -1:
display[0] = True
display.append("Might be attempting to end a SQL statement by commenting out the remaining statement")

##### Look for commenting out the end of a MySQL statement #####
index = val.rfind("#")
if index != -1:
display[0] = True
display.append("Might be attempting to end a SQL statement by commenting out the remaining statement")

##### Look for common SQL syntax in the values of a param #####
sqlvals = ("cast(", "declare ", "select ", "union ", "varchar", "set(", "create ", " or ", " NULL,", " concat(")
for sql in sqlvals:
index = val.lower().find(sql)
if index != -1:
display[0] = True
display.append("Possible use of SQL syntax in variable")

if display[0] == True:
if tab:
line = str(display[1]) + "\t" + str(display[2]) + "\t" + str(display[3]) + "=" + str(display[4]) + "\t" + str(frameno)
for i in range(len(display)-5):
line = line + "\t" + str(display[i+5])
print line
print "Source : " + str(display[1])
print "Page : " + str(display[2])
print "Value : " + str(display[3]) + "=" + str(display[4])
print "Frame : " + str(frameno)
for i in range(len(display)-5):
print "Reason : " + str(display[i+5])
print ""

def octetIP(sIP):
ip = ""
for s in sIP:
ip = ip + str(ord(s)) + "."

return ip[:-1]

#reads the pcap file and parses out get and post requests for analysis
def parsepcap(filename):
f = open(filename, 'rb')
print "Error reading file. Please make sure the file exists"

pcap = dpkt.pcap.Reader(f)
print "Error reading file. Please make sure the file is a valid pcap file."
frameno = 1
for ts, buf in pcap:
eth = dpkt.ethernet.Ethernet(buf)
ip = eth.data
#make sure we are dealing with ip (2048) and tcp (proto=6)
if eth.type ==2048 and ip.p == 6:
tcp = ip.data
#assuming http is running on port 80
if tcp.dport == 80 and len(tcp.data) > 0:
index = 1
getvals = ""
http = dpkt.http.Request(tcp.data)
url = http.uri
#deal with post data
if http.method == "POST":
index = url.find("?")
if index != -1:
page = url[:index]
page = url
#deal with GET data
elif http.method == "GET":
index = url.rfind("?")
if index != -1:
getvals = url[index+1:]
page = url[:index]

data = tcp.data
index = str(data).find("POST")
if index == 0:
url = str(data).split(" ")
page = url[1] #POST is usually always the second value in the POST
index = str(data).count("\n") #need to look into this method a little more, basically, we want to get POST data out of other streams
if index == 0:
index = str(data).find("=")
if index != -1:
getvals = str(data)

#split up each variable and its cooresponding value
if getvals != "":
getvals = getvals.split("&")
for val in getvals:
i = val.find("=")
val = (val[:i], val[i+1:])
sIP = octetIP(ip.src)
analyzeRequest(val, sIP, page, frameno)
frameno += 1

#usage stuff
def usage():
print ""
print "This tool parses through a pcap file and looks for potential SQL injection attempts."
print ""
print "usage: sqlinject-finder.py -f filename [-t]"
print "Options and arguments (and corresponding environment variables):"
print "-f, --filename : valid pcap file"
print "-t, --tab : prints output in tab delimited format"
print "-h, --help : shows this screen"
print ""
print "Example: #python sqlinject-finder.py -f capture.pcap"
print " #python sqlinject-finder.py -f capture.pcap -t > capture.tsv"
print ""

def main():
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "f:th", ["filename=", "tab", "help"])
except getopt.GetoptError, err:
print str(err)

filename = ""
for o, a in opts:
if o in ("-f", "--filename"):
filename = a
elif o in ("-t", "--tab"):
global tab
tab = True
elif o in ("-h", "--help"):
if (filename == ""):
print "please specify a filename"
if tab:
print "Source\tPage\tValue\tFrame\tReason(s)"

if __name__ == "__main__":

Edited by LegioNRST
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