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Youtube Playlist Downloader

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Posted (edited)

dac? dore?te cineva..


# set -x

# By Ed Wiget
# This script automates downloading youtube video plylists and converting to mp3 file

# 20120625 - initial script based off of http://www.edwiget.name/2011/08/ge%E2%80%A0-%C2%A5d-%C2%A7hd%C2%A2k-dn/
# 20120628 - add a check to see if the name already exists and if so skips it

# you should do this sudo command and the svn rtmpdump commands below before running this script
# sudo apt-get install youtube-dl lame faad ffmpeg ffprobe

# for rtmp and librtmp do this:
# svn co svn://svn.mplayerhq.hu/rtmpdump rtmpdump
# cd rtmpdump/trunk
# make
# sudo make install

# set this variable to the location of your scripts:

# this sets the location of the python youtube-dl script, relative to above

# this sets the path of the downloaded files and temp directory

# this sets the path to were the final mp3 is stored

# this sets the location of the video file downloaded

# this checks for the youtube-dl script and if it doesn't exist, it gets it
# if it does exist, it checks to make sure its the latest version
if [ ! -d ${BASE_DIR}/youtube-dl ]; then
echo "grabbing the youtube-dl script"
cd ${BASE_DIR}
git clone git://github.com/rg3/youtube-dl.git youtube-dl
chmod 700 ${BASE_DIR}/youtube-dl/youtube-dl
echo -e "youtube-dl already exists\n\nMaking sure we have the latest version"
chmod 700 ${BASE_DIR}/youtube-dl/youtube-dl

# this checks to make sure we have ffmpeg and lame installed, and if not, grabs them
FFMPEG1=`which ffmpeg | wc -l`
LAME1=`which lame | wc -l`

if [ ${FFMPEG1} = 1 ]; then
echo "ffmpeg already exists"
echo "grabbing ffmpeg"
# for ubuntu based distros, use this line
sudo apt-get install ffmpeg
# for redhat based distros, use this line
#sudo yum install ffmpeg

if [ ${LAME1} = 1 ]; then
echo "lame already exists"
echo "grabbing lame"
# for ubuntu use this line
sudo apt-get install lame
# for redhat use this line
# sudo yum install lame

# next we ask the user for the video file, it should be in format like:
# http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4E71AC1BFE99D171
echo -e "What is the video playlist to download, ie. http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4E71AC1BFE99D171"

echo "You entered ${VIDEO_URL} is this correct? ( y / n )"
read ANS
if [ ${ANS} = "y" ]; then
wget -O /tmp/playlist.output ${VIDEO_URL}

for i in `cat /tmp/playlist.output | grep --color=auto -E 'watch\?v=' | cut -d '=' -f3 | sed 's/&list//g' | grep -iv "hid"`; do
cd ${DL_FILES}
# grab the song title
SONG_TITLE=`${YOUTUBE_DL} --get-title ${URL}`
echo -e "the song title is ${SONG_TITLE}"
# here we check if the song already exists, if so it skips it....
SONGCHK=`ls ${MP3_LOCATION}/"${SONG_TITLE}"* | wc -l`
if [ "${SONGCHK}" -ge "1" ]; then
echo "song already exists....."
# downloading video
echo "downloading video....please wait"
# we need to convert the dl url to a filename for later processing
# the url is like: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6E2hYDIFDIU
# the downloaded file will be 6E2hYDIFDIU.mp4
MP4_FILE=`echo ${URL} | awk -F/ '{print$4}' | awk -F= '{print$2}' `
# get the downloaded file extension
FILE_EXT=`ls ${DL_FILES}/${MP4_FILE}* | awk -F. '{print$2}' `
echo "your video is located in ${DL_FILES}/${MP4_FILE}.${FILE_EXT}"
echo ""
echo "converting ${DL_FILES}/${MP4_FILE}.${FILE_EXT} to wav.....please wait"
# ffmpeg -i 6E2hYDIFDIU.flv 6E2hYDIFDIU.wav
ffmpeg -i ${DL_FILES}/${MP4_FILE}.${FILE_EXT} ${DL_FILES}/"${SONG_TITLE}".wav
echo "video converted to wav file....converting wav to mp3"
lame -b 128 ${DL_FILES}/"${SONG_TITLE}".wav ${MP3_LOCATION}/"${SONG_TITLE}".mp3
echo "${SONG_TITLE} is now available at ${MP3_LOCATION}/${SONG_TITLE}.mp3"
# added 20110813
# check to see if video is mp4, if so, mv to Music folder. If not, convert to mp4 then move.
if [ "`echo ${FILE_EXT}`" = "mp4" ]; then
echo -e "\n\nmoving video download file ${DL_FILES}/${MP4_FILE}.${FILE_EXT} to ${VID_LOCATION}/${SONG_TITLE}.${FILE_EXT}"
echo "video file is now at ${VID_LOCATION}/"${SONG_TITLE}".${FILE_EXT}"
echo -e "converting ${DL_FILES}/${MP4_FILE}.${FILE_EXT} to ${DL_FILES}/${MP4_FILE}.mp4....please wait"
ffmpeg -i ${DL_FILES}/${MP4_FILE}.${FILE_EXT} ${DL_FILES}/${MP4_FILE}.mp4
mv ${DL_FILES}/${MP4_FILE}.mp4 ${VID_LOCATION}/"${SONG_TITLE}".mp4
echo "video file is now at ${VID_LOCATION}/"${SONG_TITLE}".mp4"
echo -e "\n\ndone .... and enjoy"
echo "there was an error...."
echo "all done.....enjoy"
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Edited by DarkyAngel

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