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Update: ThreadFix 1.0 beta 20!

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Our first post about ThreadFix can be found here. A few hours ago, an update - ThreadFix 1.0 beta 20 – was released. This release contains several big fixes.


“ThreadFix is a software vulnerability aggregation and management system that helps organizations aggregate vulnerability data, generate virtual patches, and interact with software defect tracking systems. It imports the results from dynamic, static and manual testing to provide a centralized view of software security defects across development teams and applications. The system allows companies to correlate testing results and streamline software remediation efforts by simplifying feeds to software issue trackers. By auto generating application firewall rules, this tool allows organizations to continue remediation work uninterrupted.”

Changes made to ThreadFix:

  • JIRA has been rewritten to use the REST interface
  • Imperva support is now functional
  • Lots of memory improvements in the scan parsing and display pages should allow usage of big scans (tested at ~100,000 vulnerabilities)
  • Font issues should be fixed for Linux reports.

Download ThreadFix:

ThreadFix 1.0 Beta 20ThreadFix_1_0_beta20.zip

Sursa: ThreadFix version 1.0 beta 20! — PenTestIT

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