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[VB6] Port Scanner

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Intra in VB fa un proiect nou.

Adauga Winsock Control (apesti CTRL + T si selectezi acolo).

Creeaza 2 textboxes, 2 buttons, 1 timer, 1 listbox, 1 winsock

Primul Textbox este pt IP, al doilea pt port, primul buton pt start, al doilea pt stop.

Pune timerul False si pune intervalu 1.

In primul buton scrii:
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Winsock1.RemoteHost = Text1.Text
Winsock1.RemotePort = Text2.Text
Timer1.Enabled = True
End Sub

In timer scrii:
Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
Winsock1.Close ' closes the last connection
Text2.Text = Int(Text2.Text) + 1
Winsock1.RemoteHost = Text1.Text
Winsock1.RemotePort = Text2.Text
End Sub

In winsock scrii:
Private Sub Winsock1_Connect()
List1.AddItem "Port " & Winsock1.RemotePort & " is having a yard sale."
End Sub

In al doilea buton scrii:
Private Sub Command2_Click()
Timer1.Enabled = False ' stops the scanning timer
Winsock1.Close ' closes any open winsock connection that was still open.
End Sub


dar te detecteaza imediat ca ii scanezi cu metoda asta de scan. acum pana si SYN scan-ul e detectat. fa unul de FIN scan, sau XMAS scan ca astea se detecteaza mai greu pe windows.

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