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Unlocked Physical Memory

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[h=1]Unlocked Physical Memory[/h]Author:


"I just came up with this little user-mode program and driver to make it possible from user-mode without restriction (even without auth) to read/write to physical memory. There's a bit too much code to post here, so I'll have to link externally (sorry):"


Sursa: http://www.rohitab.com/discuss/topic/38727-unlocked-physical-memory/



De obicei nu prea gasesti nici macar o carte cu referinte in legatura cu creearea driverelor, oricum e foarte greu sa manipulezi chiar si cu exemplul in cauza.

Inteligent baiatul asta, oricarui in place un limbaj de programare mai vechi sa va uitati peste video-urile lui.

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