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iOS 6 Javascript Bug Raises Potential Security And Privacy Questions

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iOS 6 Javascript Bug Raises Potential Security And Privacy Questions

By Istvan Fekete last updated December 23, 2012

iOS 6 Safari has a potentially serious Javascript bug, which could have some serious security and privacy implications.


According to a report from AppleInsider, users who toggle off Javascript in the iOS 6 Safari web browser are not totally in the clear. The appearance of a Smart App Banner designed to give developers the ability to promote App Store software within Safari on a certain website, automatically toggles your Javascript back on without notifying the user.

You can check out this bug by opening up the Setting app and choosing Safari, then turning off Javascript. Then you can visit this test page using your iPhone's browser. As you will see, it will turn on Javascript, without notifying you.

Peter Eckersley, technology products director with digital rights advocacy group, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, said he would characterize such an issue as a "serious privacy and security vulnerability."

Neither Eckersley nor the EFF had heard of the bug in iOS 6, nor had they independently tested to confirm that they were able to replicate the issue. But Eckersley said that if the problem is in fact real, it's something that Apple should work to address as quickly as possible.

"It is a security issue, it is a privacy issue, and it is a trust issue," Eckersley said. "Can you trust the UI to do what you told it to do? It's certainly a bug that needs to be fixed urgently."

According to the report, this issue has existed ever since iOS 6 went public, and the recent updates iOS 6.0.1 and iOS 6.0.2 didn't patch it. Furthermore, the bug isn't iPhone specific, it applies to all iDevices running iOS 6 and even iOS 6.1 beta seems to carry this bug as well.

Sursa: iOS 6 Javascript Bug Raises Potential Security And Privacy QuestionsJaxov

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