Nytro Posted December 23, 2012 Report Posted December 23, 2012 Code Injection Attacks on Harvard-Architecture DevicesAurélien FrancillonINRIA Rhône-Alpes655 avenue de l’Europe, Montbonnot38334 Saint Ismier Cedex, Franceaurelien.francillon@inria.frClaude CastellucciaINRIA Rhône-Alpes655 avenue de l’Europe, Montbonnot38334 Saint Ismier Cedex, Franceclaude.castelluccia@inria.frABSTRACTHarvard architecture CPU design is common in the embed-ded world. Examples of Harvard-based architecture devicesare the Mica family of wireless sensors. Mica motes havelimited memory and can process only very small packets.Stack-based buer overow techniques that inject code intothe stack and then execute it are therefore not applicable. Ithas been a common belief that code injection is impossibleon Harvard architectures. This paper presents a remote codeinjection attack for Mica sensors. We show how to exploitprogram vulnerabilities to permanently inject any piece ofcode into the program memory of an Atmel AVR-based sen-sor. To our knowledge, this is the rst result that presentsa code injection technique for such devices. Previous workonly succeeded in injecting data or performing transient at-tacks. Injecting permanent code is more powerful since theattacker can gain full control of the target sensor. We alsoshow that this attack can be used to inject a worm that canpropagate through the wireless sensor network and possiblycreate a sensor botnet. Our attack combines dierent tech-niques such as return oriented programming and fake stackinjection. We present implementation details and suggestsome counter-measures.Download:www.inrialpes.fr/planete/people/ccastel/PAPERS/CCS08.pdf Quote