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A revenit RST-ul, nu stiu cat de mult va avea nevoie de acest tutorial dar il pun sa fie.

Domeniile .me mai sunt valabile doar pana azi, daca nu mai prindeti oferta, asta este.


Incepe prin instalarea programului Mozila ThunderBird , link-ul este mai jos.

Mozilla Thunderbird

Dupa instalarea lui, ruleaza aplicatia si cauta butonul "Get a new account". Cand ai gasit optiunea ce-ti va creea un mail, fi sigur ca gandi.net este bifat! Introdu numele domeniului dorit, fara .me la sfarsit. Introducand numele dorit vei primii extensiile posibile. Alege .me si completeaza cu date false (alegerea ta) dar adresa de mail trebuie sa fie corecta. Ei iti vor creea domeniul si tu dupa, trebuie sa-ti schimbi ns-urile dorite.



Metoda pentru domeniu .com este de a creea un proiect bine definit, adaugarea unui video exlplanatoriu. Pentru a beneficia de domeniu va trebuii sa strangi 10 like-uri pt al tau proiect.

Incepe prin a intra pe Home | Angel's Gate Entrepreneurship TV Series . Apasa pe start your project si alege under $100.000 pentru a fi calificat pentru domeniul.com . Completeaza cu numele dorit si cu descriptia scurta dorita.

Mai jos ai un template pentru descriptia lunga.

Most of the times, projects with budgets under $100.000 will give up because of the lack of people and finally the lack of funds.

Using our OWN web script, we will HELP underrated businesses or unknown campaigns advertise themselves without paying any buck. This will be possible only by their support. If they visit daily visit us, they'll earn extra points, receive coupons and so on. It's all based in a circle, if they want to be advertised, they will advertise others. It's a win-win situation for EVERYONE!

The competition will mind their own customers and because we will provide original content, we'd probably earn more than they ever would!

Name's team is based in 3 people. The programmer, the designer and the advertiser. The only thing that could go wrong is the world's going to end.

With all said, I want to thank you, Angel's Gate, for reading my business project and if you think this is creative enough to receive a domain, we'll thank you in advance.



*Schimba "Name" cu numele proiectului tau

Acum ca ai creeat proiectul va trebuii ori sa astepti sa primesti 10 like-uri, ori sa iti faci publicitate pe facebook.

Nu exploatati de prima metoda deoarece ei vor verifica activitatea voastra.

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