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MyBB (editpost.php, posthash) SQL Injection Vulnerability

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[h=1]MyBB (editpost.php, posthash) SQL Injection Vulnerability[/h]

MyBB <1.6.9 is vulnerable to Stored, Error based, SQL Injection.

Vulnerable code:


Line 398
$posthash_query = "posthash='{$posthash}' OR ";

It can be done by using Tamper Data(Or Live HTTP Headers), and when
submitting a post, edit the 'posthash' POST parameter to your payload,
submitting, then going to edit your post.

Small "HOWTO" in picture: http://imgur.com/a/JxfEI

This bug was not found by me, but afaik, I am the first one to release it.

*Joshua Rogers* - Retro Game Collector && IT Security Specialist
gpg pubkey <http://www.internot.info/docs/gpg_pubkey.asc.gpg>

Sursa: MyBB (editpost.php, posthash) SQL Injection Vulnerability

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