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[Cracked] P-Encoder

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produce unreadable obfuscated code - obfuscate variable, function and class names, remove comments and whitespaces

compromise between code-encoding security and application compatibility

no special requirements to the server, no use of other libraries, extensions, no need of special loader - Encoded application has the same requirements as the original

no bytecode, but fully functional obfuscated PHP code, in which you can, for example, preserve lines to track the errors, or you can even pack the file content into base64 encoded eval expression.

possible to lock the application for use on specific domain name, or set the expiration date for the application

simple to use - just pick files, check settings and run the encoder!

very sophisticated code analysis engine, that securely parses your code, keeps his functionality or warn you about parts of your application that may cause the issues in the encoded application, a helps you avoid them.

support for object oriented and non-object programming style

support for PHP versions up to PHP 5.4






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Stai tu linistit, asta e doar ca sa fie un pic mai frustrant pt sysadmin. De decodat se poate decoda orice ai zice tu. Toate sunt bazate pe eval si base64_decode. Crezi ca nu merge facut un wrapper peste ele sau poate nu ai auzit de Xdebug - Debugger and Profiler Tool for PHP :))

PS: Ma bucur ca postezi , dar cine il foloseste trebuie sa fie constient ca ce pune el acolo nu e indecriptabil. Macar nu va puneti id-uri de messenger :))

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