Nytro Posted February 4, 2013 Report Posted February 4, 2013 Welcome To code:zIRONZiron is a mixed high and low level programming language; but unlike other high level compilers, Ziron directly assembles the high level code into machine code. Ziron is intended to allow advanced programmers to write highly optimised code, but also for new and beginners to take a step into the world of assembly programming without the worry of a low level syntax. (Sample) Building Blocks (structures):program WIN32CUI 'test';#include 'ch.zir';#include 'fileio.zir';////////const strFileName = 'text.txt';ZFile file;char buf[512];/////inline procedure doFileOperation() { file.writeBuffer('Hello, World!\r\n'); file.setSOF(); file.readBuffer(@buf, 512); file.close(); print(@buf);}if (file.append(strFileName) == True) { print('Appending file "', strFileName, '"\r\n'); doFileOperation();} else { print('Creating file "', strFileName, '"\r\n'); if (file.create(strFileName) == True) { doFileOperation(); } else { print('Unable to create file "', strFileName, '"\r\n'); }}wait_key();ExitProcess(0);Mai multe:http://www.codeziron.com/index.php Quote