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Knoppix live cd cu programe pt hacking/cracking/scan incluse

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sper sa fie de folos tuturor.. punetiva tare pe linux :P



freeradius 0.9.3 : GPL RADIUS server



2c2 : multiple plaintext -> one ciphertext

4c : as with 2c2 (think plausible deniability)

acfe : traditional cryptanalysis (like Vigenere)

cryptcat : netcat + encryption

gifshuffle : stego tool for gif images

gpg 1.2.3 : GNU Privacy Guard

ike-scan : VPN fingerprinting

mp3stego : stego tool for mp3

openssl 0.9.7c

outguess : stego tool

stegbreak : brute-force stego'ed JPG

stegdetect : discover stego'ed JPG

sslwrap : SSL wrapper

stunnel : SSL wrapper

super-freeSWAN 1.99.8 : kernel IPSEC support

texto : make gpg ascii-armour look like weird English

xor-analyze : another "intro to crytanalysis" tool



sleuthkit 1.66 : extensions to The Coroner's Toolkit forensic toolbox.

autopsy 1.75 : Web front-end to TASK. Evidence Locker defaults to /mnt/evidence

biew : binary viewer

bsed : binary stream editor

consh : logged shell (from F.I.R.E.)

coreography : analyze core files

dcfldd : US DoD Computer Forensics Lab version of dd

fenris : code debugging, tracing, decompiling, reverse engineering tool

fatback : Undelete FAT files

foremost : recover specific file types from disk images (like all JPG files)

ftimes : system baseline tool (be proactive)

galleta : recover Internet Explorer cookies

hashdig : dig through hash databases

hdb : java decompiler

mac-robber : TCT's graverobber written in C

md5deep : run md5 against multiple files/directories

memfetch : force a memory dump

pasco : browse IE index.dat

photorec : grab files from digital cameras

readdbx : convert Outlook Express .dbx files to mbox format

readoe : convert entire Outlook Express .directory to mbox format

rifiuti : browse Windows Recycle Bin INFO2 files

secure_delete : securely delete files, swap, memory....

testdisk : test and recover lost partitions

wipe : wipe a partition securely. good for prep'ing a partition for dd

and other typical system tools used for forensics (dd, lsof, strings, grep, etc.)



blockall : script to block all inbound TCP (excepting localhost)

flushall : flush all firewall rules

firestarter : quick way to a firewall

firewalk : map a firewall's rulebase

floppyfw : turn a floppy into a firewall

fwlogwatch : monitor firewall logs

iptables 1.2.8

gtk-iptables : GUI front-end

shorewall 1.4.8-RC1 : iptables based package



honeyd 0.7

labrea : tarpit (slow to a crawl) worms and port scanners

thp : tiny honeypot



snort 2.1.0: everyone's favorite networks IDS

ACID : snort web frontend

barnyard : fast snort log processor

oinkmaster : keep your snort rules up to date

hogwash : access control based on snort sigs

bro : network IDS

prelude : network and host IDS

WIDZ : wireless IDS, ap and probe monitor

aide : host baseline tool, tripwire-esque

logsnorter : log monitor

swatch : monitor any file, oh like say syslog




network utilities


LinNeighboorhood : browse SMB networks like windows network neighborhood

argus : network auditor

arpwatch : keep track of the MACs on your wire

cdpr : cisco discovery protocol reporter

cheops : snmp, network discovery and monitor tool

etherape : network monitor and visualization tool

iperf : measure IP performance

ipsc : IP subnet calculator

iptraf : network monitor

mrtg : multi router traffic grapher

mtr : traceroute tool

ntop 2.1.0 : network top, protocol analyzer

rrdtool : round robin database

samba : opensource SMB support

tcptrack : track existing connections

password tools


john 1.6.34 : John the Ripper password cracker

allwords2 : CERIAS's 27MB English dictionary

chntpw : reset passwords on a Windows box (including Administrator)

cisilia : distributed password cracker

cmospwd : find local CMOS password

djohn : distributed John the Ripper

pwl9x : crack Win9x password files

rcrack : rainbow crack












packet sniffers


aimSniff : sniff AIM traffic

driftnet : sniffs for images

dsniff : sniffs for cleartext passwords (thanks Dug)

ethereal 0.10.0 : the standard. includes tethereal

ettercap 0.6.b : sniff on a switched network and more.

filesnarf : grab files out of NFS traffic

mailsnarf : sniff smtp/pop traffic

msgsnarf : sniff aol-im, msn, yahoo-im, irc, icq traffic

ngrep : network grep, a sniffer with grep filter capabilities

tcpdump : the core of it all

urlsnarf : log all urls visited on the wire

webspy : mirror all urls visited by a host in your local browser

tcp tools


arpfetch : fetch MAC

arping : ping by MAC

arpspoof : spoof arp

arpwatch : montior MAC addresses on the wire

despoof : detect spoofed packets via TTL measurement

excalibur : packet generator

file2cable : replay a packet capture

fragroute : packet fragmentation tool (thanks again Dug)

gspoof : packet generator

hopfake : spoof hopcount replies

hunt : tcp hijacker

ipmagic : packet generator

lcrzoex : suite of tcp tools

macof : flood a switch with MACs

packetto : Dan Kaminsky's suite of tools (includes 1.10 and 2.0pre3)

netsed : insert and replace strings in live traffic

packETH : packet generator

tcpkill : die tcp, die!

tcpreplay : replay packet captures



cryptcat : encrypted netcat

httptunnel : tunnel data over http

icmpshell : tunnel data over icmp

netcat : the incomparable tcp swiss army knife

shadyshell : tunnel data over udp

stegtunnel : hide data in TCP/IP headers

tcpstatflow : detect data tunnels

tiny shell : small encrypted shell

vulnerability assessment


Way too many to list them all. There's much from THC, ADM, RFP, NMRC, TESO, Phenoelit. Be very careful with these tools. Remember, no guarantees are offered and you are entirely responsible for your own actions.

ADM tools : like ADM-smb and ADMkillDNS

amap 4.5 : maps applications running on remote hosts

IRPAS : Internet Routing Protocol Attack Suite

chkrootkit 0.43 : look for rootkits

clamAV : virus scanner. update your signatures live with freshclam

curl : commandline utility for transferring anything with a URL

exodus : web application auditor

ffp : fuzzy fingerprinter for encrypted connections

firewalk : map a firewall rulebase

hydra : brute force tool

nbtscan : scan SMB networks

ncpquery : scan NetWare servers

nessus 2.0.9 : vulnerability scanner. update your plugins live with nessus-update-plugins

nikto : CGI scanner

nmap 3.48 : the standard in host/port enumeration

p0f : passive OS fingerprinter

proxychains: chain together multiple proxy servers

rpcinfo : hmmmm.... info from RPC?

screamingCobra : CGI scanner

siege : http testing and benchmarking utility

sil : tiny banner grabber

snot : replay snort rules back onto the wire. test your ids/incidence response/etc.

syslog_deluxe : spoof syslog messages

thcrut : THC's "r you there?" network mapper

vmap : maps application versions

warscan : exploit automation tool

xprobe2 : uses ICMP for fingerprinting

yaph : yet another proxy hunter

zz : zombie zapper kills DDoS zombies

wireless tools


airsnarf : rogue AP setup utility

airsnort : sniff, find, crack 802.11b

airtraf : 802.11b network performance analyzer

gpsdrive : use GPS and maps

kismet 3.0.1 : for 802.11 what else do you need?

kismet-log-viewer : manage your kismet logs

macchanger : change your MAC address

wellenreiter : 802.11b discovery and auditing

patched orinoco drivers : automatic (no scripts necessary)


No, there is no root password. Try "sudo cmd" or "sudo su root" or just type in "rootme".

Firebird is pre-populated with security related bookmarks.

The fluxbox keys file is prepopulated with the following settings:

Alt-F1 : first workspace

Alt-F2 : second workspace

Alt-F3 : third workspace

Alt-F4 : fourth workspace

Alt-F5 : root shell

Alt-F6 : root filemanager

Alt-F7 : mozilla firebird

Alt-F8 : text editor

Alt-F9 : nmap

Alt-F10 : nessus

Alt-F11 : ethereal

Alt-F12 : blockall inbound TCP

User Mode Linux : /usr/bin/uml : boot a virtual Linux machine

OpenMosix : clustering technology built into the kernel

Limited NTFS RW support built into the kernel

toram and tohd cheatcodes : copy the filesystem to ram or a harddrive at boot and free up the CD drive.

GTKeyboard : mouse driven keyboard to bypass hardware keyboard




uaa bine ca am vazut topicu asta,am si eu o intrebare

Am instalat Knoppix STD and its great ,dar am si eu o intrebare,eu folosesc windows si lam pus cu VMware Workstation si NU imi merge netul ,am internet prin LAN si nu gasesc de unde sa il configurez :| folosesc briged connection ,plsz am nevoie de un reply :((


haideti sa va spun ceva despre knoppix std. probabil ca nu stiti

s-a luat o distributie live cd si s-a creat acest sistem de operare knoppix std.

care a fost superb la vremea lui. o data cu trecerea timpului si cu necesitatile vietii, cei 3 developeri care au pornit proiectul au inceput sa se ocupe de probleme personale si au renuntat la proiect.

a aparut fat care este un tip care vrea sa faca versiunea 0.2 dar nu are timp.

si ce vreo 2-3 ani a pornit ideea de donatii prin paypal. nu stiu cat s-a donat intre timp, dar nimic nu a mai miscat.

am lucrat in spate cu el la niste chestii dar acestea nu au mai fost lansate.

astept de 3 ani sa apara ceva.

toate toolurile de acolo sunt outdated.

k-std era superb: tot ce iti trebuia, rapid, interfata grafica rapida si functionala (fluxbox), comunitate ce iti raspundea la intrebari si te ajuta, motivul pentru care m-am apucat de linux.

acum este o comunitate moarta.

idul meu acolo e piterdevries.

foarte rar mai intru acolo, si imi pare foarte foarte rau...

@iceT seteaza-l ca NAT si merge foarte bine.

daca totusi nu merge e de la k-std. vezi daca iti identifica placa de retea

incearca sa scrii un ifconfig si vezi daca este eth0 acolo

daca nu, incearca un

ifconfig eth0 up



paste aici ce iti scrie pe ecran. poate ne prindem.


am setat manual ip gw server toate si acuma merge ,ms

Eu sunt un newbie si in materie de linux ,am instalat Knoppix STD pentru ca am vazut ca are atat de multe softuri pe care altfel trebuia sa le instalez eu :))

U ce linux folosesti ??


daca l-ai setat manual, probabil ca nu aveai clientul dhcp pornit. in windows nu observi necesitatea unuia, pentru ca ai un client dhcp in permanenta pornit.

eu folosesc fedora/gentoo/debian/backtrack/archlinux.

recomand fedora pt incepatori. asa am invatat si eu.


Fedora am avut si eu dar tot timpu am avut ceva probleme,la instalare tot iimi aparea ca hardu nush ce are dai delete tot si instaleaza si pierzi tot de pe hard,iar eu nu vroiam sa pierd tot de pe hard si nu imi instala prostu nici cum

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