Nytro Posted February 20, 2013 Report Posted February 20, 2013 Hiding Data in Hard-Drive’s Service AreasAriel Berkman<ariel@recover.co.il>Recover Information Technologies LTDhttp://www.recover.co.ilFebruary 14, 2013Contents1 Introduction2 Service Areas and Service Area Modules 3 Service Area Sizes4 Other Reserved Areas5 Data Hiding and Sanitation6 Proof of Concept7 Summary1 IntroductionIn this paper we will demonstrate how spinning hard-drives’ service areas1can be used to hide data from the operating-system (or any software using thestandard OS’s API or the standard ATA commands to access the hard-drive).These reserved areas are used by hard-drive vendors to store modules that inturn operate the drive, and in a sense, together with the ROM, serve as thehard-drive’s internal storage and OS. By sending Vendor Specific Commands(VSCs) directly to the hard-drive, one can manipulate these areas to readand write data that are otherwise inaccessible. This should not be confusedwith DCO2 or HPA3 which can be easily detected, removed and accessed viastandard ATA commands.Download:http://www.recover.co.il/SA-cover/SA-cover.pdf Quote