Nytro Posted March 1, 2013 Report Posted March 1, 2013 Generic Unpacking of Self-mo difying, Aggressive, Packed Binary ProgramsPiotr Baniabania.piotr@gmail.comMarch 2009AbstractNowadays most of the malware applications are ei-ther packed or protected. This techniques are ap-plied esp ecially to evade signature based detectorsand also to complicate the job of reverse engineersor security analysts. The time one must sp endon unpacking or decrypting malware layers is of-ten very long and in fact remains the most compli-cated task in the overall pro cess of malware anal-ysis. In this rep ort author prop oses MmmBop asa relatively new concept of using dynamic binaryinstrumentation techniques for unpacking and by-passing detection by self-mo difying and highly ag-gressive packed binary co de. MmmBop is able todeal with most of the known and unknown pack-ing algorithms and it is also suitable to successfullybypass most of currently used anti-reversing tricks.This framework do es not dep end on any other 3rdparty software and it is develop ed entirely in usermo de (ring3). MmmBop supp orts the IA-32 archi-tecture and it is targeted for Microsoft WindowsXP, some of the further delib erations will b e refer-ring directly to this op erating system.Download:http://piotrbania.com/all/articles/pbania-dbi-unpacking2009.pdf Quote