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Trend Micro Warns of Attacks Against ICS/SCADA Systems

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[h=2]Trend Micro Warns of Attacks Against ICS/SCADA Systems[/h]March 17th, 2013 user.png Mourad Ben Lakhoua

At Blackhat Europe 2013 in Amsterdam security researcher at Trend Micro revealed a collaborative honeypot project with Scada security team that was running fake ICS/Scada devices used in many critical infrastructure power and water plants.

The honeypot were optimized and promoted on different search engines such as google to be found directly and trick attacker about the reality of these servers. Servers were named Scada-1,Scada-2, and so on.

According to Scada security researcher Kyle Wilhoit they also made the honeypot seeded on devices that were part of HD Moore’s Shodan Project.4. This to attract motivated and targeted attackers to easily find the servers and the first attack was detected after only 18 hours.

You can have Trend Micro report by following this link: http://www.trendmicro.com/cloud-content/us/pdfs/security-intelligence/white-papers/wp-whos-really-attacking-your-ics-equipment.pdf

Sursa: Trend Micro Warns of Attacks Against ICS/SCADA Systems | SecTechno

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