Nytro Posted April 2, 2013 Report Posted April 2, 2013 CUDA CrackingPRESENTED BY: ROHIT SHAWXIARCH SOLUTIONS PVT LTDNEW DELHICompute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) is a parallel computing architecture developedby Nvidia for graphics processing. CUDA is the computing engine in Nvidia graphics processingunits (GPUs) that is accessible to software developers through variants of industry standardprogramming languages.Introduction: Cuda cracking means cracking passwords with the help of Graphics card whichhave GPU, it means the speed of password cracking is much faster than CPU speed.Building a CUDA Machine: For building a monster cuda machine we have to invest ahuge amount on it. First we have to select a motherboard which supports more than one GPUbecause the more GPU means the process of password cracking is much faster. I suggest MSIBig Bang Marshall Motherboard which supports multiple GPUs up to 8 graphic cards. Anotherunique feature of this motherboard that it is cross platform GPU supportable it means it cansupport both ATI and Nvidia graphic cards at a time. Use Quad core processors or Intel’s Ifamily processors for better performance. RAM up to 16 GB is efficient for this motherboard.Another important thing to keep in mind that is the power supply system we have to supply up to1250 watt power to this machine. Also use cooling fans as much as possible because duringprocess graphic cards heats very intensively.Download:www.exploit-db.com/download_pdf/24909 Quote