Nytro Posted April 2, 2013 Report Posted April 2, 2013 [h=3]Darkode leak[/h] And you can thanks Nassef.Internal Revenue ServiceI don't know if it's you who did this shit upaskitv1.org xylibox.biz krebsonsecurity.biz upaskitversion1.biz stevenk.biz briankrebs.biz upaskit1.biz researchsecurity.biz securityresearch.biz amatrosov.biz But seems you are related to this so i gave a fuck.Also i can thank you for this: Got your Builder from Darkode and made my keygen.I also grabbed alot of other things but it's another story.Nassef is also involved into POS sniffing. Trying to deal with carder shops: But i will not talk of Nassef here, but of 'darkode'This forum is know to be a 'elite' community of black hats, there is alot of (in)famous actors inside.Some are already jailled and some are still on business. Darkode login with a really gay captcha.And about the captcha they added it due to me: I don't live in Lyon and i never walked with you, get a life man.About the captcha something worry me: Seem he sniff passwords, i'm sure the login form is even backdoored to know passwords of his users.Also this is not my bruteforce, when i bruteforce it's more hardcore than this shit. Darkode, on a short period even asked a private SSL cert to avoid unauthorized people: They removed it for an unknown reason, (probably due to the skid wave end), admin of DK gived invite to everyone recently (i even received one without doing nothing, i'm not sure if it's black hat humor or if someone posed on dk and gived my mail) Anyway i don't need this invitation.Now, let's have a look on who's inside darkode...symlink: Paunch: *******: bx1: BestAV: Severa: Exmanoize: alexudakov: Carberp J.P.MORGAN Even Slavik according to admin: Some members listed here are already jailed, e.g: bx1, *******.A member who show off his money done with SpyEye ($11,404,34 USD): Another DK member who have launder 20k LR with members of this forum: Sweet orange stats of a guys: Coder of crimepack angry for the leak: Presentation of cr33k, coder of “Open Source Exploit Kit” "I skimmed Diebolds", "as a mule i cashed out WU payments with fake IDs"There is some nice people on darkode...Presentation of Egypack exploit kit: Business advice from a darkode admin: Now about darkode you will says "wow, this board is hardcore" but no... not reallyMaybe this forum was cool in 2009 with Gribodemon and shit's but actually it's look like hackforums.And about hackforums even admins are on it:mafi (www.hackforums.net/member.php?action=profile&uid=82912)Selling crimepack: sp3cial1st (hackforums.net/member.php?action=profile&uid=666599)Recruiting hackforums people for darkode: Fubar (hackforums.net/member.php?action=profile&uid=83826)HF Leet: (and they are all admins on darkode)profile of mafi on malwareview (a kernelmode.info like but with idiots): oh wow they use even hackforums products and resell them. ngrbot, is this the scene ?Also remember this ? Maybe in another post i will explain the dramascene between uNkn0wn and darkode...At darkode they will probably calls 2,3 screenshots a 'leak'so... i took around ~4500 screenshots: I know it can be hard for white hat to enter on community like darkode for do researchs.So enjoy 763 Mb of screenshots, not a full dump but almost a full dump.I have a full dump of course with each threads, pages fetched via wget but i keep this version for law enforcement guys (and some have already the darkode account and my regulars dump in hands since a long time, just saying..)Anyway even with this 'public' screenshots dump anyone have enough to launch indictments and shit. Oh.. it's really fun dude.Also took a screenshot of maza for the glory... (I must admit i miss malwares of 2010/2011) Gribo talk that Slavik is completely left from bussiness and he transfered everything related to Zeus 2.0 to Gribo, so he can continue work on this bot, including customers technical support. Slavik said to tell that he was happy to work with all the guys and other shit.You can download the public dump here:http://temari.fr/darkode.rarhttp://trollkore.fr/darkode.rarhttp://yandere.fr/darkode.rarAfter 24 hours i will remove the archive from my server so fetch it fast.Multiupload.nl - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!To conclude: This post about darkode is exceptional i usualy leave these forums alone and don't blog about it.I receive a lots of emails requesting me to give a fuck about theses boards, but since some days for an unknown reason some guys of darkode started to seriously annoy me (adding me on skype and mailling me with shits), this is just my response to them.cb0f0ef62585ef7484d3582f3caf4ccfHave a nice day and good advice: stay away of darkode if you don't want someone to knock at your doorAlso don't ask me to do the same type of post about mazafaka, or other forums (i see already mails coming)If you want some infs http://trojanforge.com/showthread.php?t=2391 is a good start, i will not help. Posted by Steven K at 01:22 Sursa: XyliBox: Darkode leak Quote