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DigitalOcean 1 Month Free VPS

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(Scuzati categoria daca am gresit, chiar nu stiam unde sa postez, din moment ce nu vand acest serviciu or w/e.)

Am primit un e-mail asta-seara:

"Hello, San Francisco!

Great news! DigitalOcean has opened a new datacenter location in San Francisco, CA! In addition to serving the west coast, the datacenter is located next to the trans-pacific cables, providing a fast connection to Asia.

Register with a credit card and enter 'HELLOSF' in the promo code field to receive a free $5 credit (one month free for a 512MB RAM, 20GB SSD Disk, 1TB Transfer droplet)."

Vroiam doar sa "impart vestea" ;)) pentru cei care nu stiau si cauta de asemenea un serviciu de genu "moca" si rapid.

Stiu ca specs nu sunt grozave dar ... mai bine decat nimic :). Have fun


Posted (edited)

eu nu vad nici unde gratis :| dupa ce am facut cont

edit : merge , acuma am vazut trebuie sa comanzi si trebuie sa-ti bagi card si la promotional code bagi ala .. dar trebuie sa-ti bag datele de la card X_X

Edited by nein

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