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Port Blocker 1.0.0 Beta

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Link: http://rapidshare.com/files/11826381/i-r0x_Port_Blocker_1.0_Beta.zip.html

Overview: This programs purpose is to open your TCP/UDP Ports(Those selected) half way.
If an intruder tries to connect to you, or scans your IP, and in doing so, will
catch the intrusion attempt, log the attackers IP, and will reject him any information
on the details of your system. Mainly, this plays a "Man in the Middle" approach, so
that when an attacker assumes you're vulnerable, when you're not(or are, that's why I
made this), you trick him into his intentions, thus, in the end, the attacker will
be wasting his time. This could be regarded as a tiny IDS(Intrusion Detection System)
but I'll just leave it as a Port Blocker for now.

How to use: I've put bounderies on a few areas, so to know what to do read and understand the following.

To add a single port, click Add, then Listen. You must add atleast ONE port in order for the
program to work. Once you've got ports displayed under the "Blocked Port" List, you must highlight
atleast one of them to listen. Once you've began listening, the program will listen to All ports,
listed in the Ports Blocked List. Also be note that you don't overwrite your Port List, as I'm
sure some of you might want to make your own specific port lists, and my Cmndlg control will not
notify you of an overwritten file alert... so always keep a backup of your Port lists.

Unintentional Implementations as follows:
This program can easily be used to HiJack an unsuspecting users IP
This program doesn't work the best under WIFI Connections.
This program May interrupt certain services, if they are explicitly depended on, under your Operating System.
This program works under Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP Home and Pro.
by xyr0x

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