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[ASM] Rezolvarea ecuatiei de gradul 2 - MASM32

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; Eq_G2 v.3 by cybervu - RSTForums.com
; Formula: ax^2 + bx + c = 0
; Radacini: x(1,2) = (-b +/- sqrt(b^2 - 4*a*c)) / (2*a)
; x86 CPU instruction set
; finit Initialize floating point processor
; fld Floating point load
; fld1 Push +1.0 onto the FPU register stack.
; fldz Push +0.0 onto the FPU register stack.
; fdiv Divide
; fdivp Divide and pop
; fadd Add
; fmul Multiply
; fldz Load 0.0 onto stack
; fcom Compare
; fcomp Compare and pop
; fsqrt Square root
; fchs Change sign
; fsubr Reverse subtract
; fsubrp Reverse subtract and pop
; fst Store
; fstp Store and pop
; fstsw Store status word
; sahf Store AH into flags

.686 ; 32 bit code
.model flat, stdcall ; 32 bit memory model
option casemap :none ; case sensitive

include \masm32\include\masm32.inc
include \masm32\include\user32.inc
include \masm32\include\kernel32.inc
include \masm32\include\msvcrt.inc

includelib \masm32\lib\masm32.lib
includelib \masm32\lib\user32.lib
includelib \masm32\lib\kernel32.lib
includelib \masm32\lib\msvcrt.lib

include \masm32\macros\macros.asm

xA Real10 ?
xB Real10 ?
xC Real10 ?
x1 Real10 ?
x2 Real10 ?

Call Main

; -------------------------------------------------------------------------

InputR10 Proc ptr10:Ptr Real10 ; citeste o valoare reala (float) // crt_scanf()
LOCAL r8:Real8
invoke crt_scanf, SADD("%lf"), ADDR r8
mov eax, ptr10
fld r8
fstp Real10 PTR [eax]
InputR10 EndP

; -------------------------------------------------------------------------

satan Proto:Real10, :Real10, :Real10

Main Proc

print "A="
Invoke InputR10, Addr xA ; input A
print "B="
Invoke InputR10, Addr xB ; input B
print "C="
Invoke InputR10, Addr xC ; input C

Invoke satan, xA, xB, xC ; calcule

Ffree st(0) ; goleste stiva
Ffree st(1) ;
Ffree st(2) ;

print chr$(13, 10)
print "cybervu - RSTForums.com"

call wait_key ; "Press any key to continue..."

Main EndP

; -------------------------------------------------------------------------

satan Proc A_:Real10, B_:Real10, C_:Real10

; b*b si pune in stiva
finit ; init
fld B_ ; incarca b
fld st ; b
fmul ; st(0) = b*b = b^2

; 4*a*c
fld1 ; 1
fld1 ; 1
fadd ; st(0) = 1 + 1 = 2
fld st ; 2
fadd ; st(0) = 2 + 2 = 4
fld A_ ; incarca a
fld C_ ; incarca c
fmul ;
fmul ; st(0) = 4*a*c
; st(1) = b^2
fsub ; st(0) = st(1) - st(0) // = delta

; delta (?) 0 : jmp
fldz ; incarca 0
fcomp st(1) ; compara st(1)=0 cu st(0) = ((b^2)-(4*a*c)) // = delta
fstsw ax ; salveaza
sahf ;
jbe delta_ok ; delta >= 0
jmp delta_negativ ; -> "nu are radacini reale"

fsqrt ; extrage radical
fld st ; copie
fld B_ ; incarca b
fchs ; schimba semnul // -b
fadd st(1),st ; st(1) = [-b] + [sqrt(delta)]
fsubrp st(2),st ; st(0) = [-b] + [sqrt(delta)] si st(1) = [-b] - [sqrt(delta)]
fld A_ ; incarca a
fld1 ; incarca 1
fld1 ; incarca 1
fadd ; 1+1= 2
fmul ; st(0) = 2*a
fld st ;
fdivp st(2),st ; imparte si pop
fdivp st(2),st ; -> st(0) = (((- + [sqrt(delta)])/2a) si st(1) = (((- - [sqrt(delta)])/2a)
fstp x1 ; salveaza in x1, pop
fstp x2 ; salveaza in x2

print chr$(13, 10)

print "x1="
print real10$ (x1) ; print x1
print chr$(13, 10)

print "x2="
print real10$ (x2) ; print x2
print chr$(13, 10)

jmp gata

delta_negativ: ; delta < 0
print chr$(13, 10)
print "nu are solutii reale"
print chr$(13, 10)


satan EndP

End start


X86 Instruction Listings - Wiki

Art Of Assembly

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