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Theef v.2.10

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+ New; Recent folder menu in file manager

+ New; Favourites menu in registry editor

+ New; Automatically remove finished transfers

+ New; Improved password security, using MD5 hashes

+ New; Improved, full remote command shell

+ Fix; Manually removing finished transfers mid-way through other transfers

+ Fix; Manually entering folder path that's already been viewed

+ Fix; Decimal separator difference bug between client/server

+ Fix; Access errors on 'download dir' when local dir already exists

+ Fix; Connection statistics transfer sent/received count

+ Fix; Small bug in network drive options popup

+ Fix; Retrieves full path of processes on NT systems

+ Drag & drop between file manager and transfer window

+ DiskInfo on a network drive shows network path

+ Seperated filename/path in process viewer

+ Improved network browser at both client and server side

+ Changed transfer window's file list

+ Redesigned connection statistics window

+ Redesigned file search result list

+ Improved ListDrive info, no strange characters on removable drives

+ Improved IE Favourite listing


+ Fix; Tiny file <1kb transfer bug

+ Fix; Drive info icon

+ Improved country/language info

+ Improved command data transfer


+ New; Keylog parser

+ New; Detailed drive info

+ Editserver; meltserver and new keylogger settings

+ Improved file transfer window view (time taken/remaining, etc)

+ Fix; multiple (+10) local filename download bug

+ Fix; upload transfer speed recording

+ Fix; event manager OnInstall event should work better

+ Improved event manager classes

+ Client layout tweaks



+ Compatibility; server should work on all Windows OS's

+ File caching; improves speed of file browser by only re-requesting the contents

of a directory if it has actually changed, saving time and bandwidth

+ Hugely improved file management system, as well as file caching, there's local

icon caching, network browsing, integration with search/edit/transfer, fast

access straight to common folders (desktop / documents)

+ Event manager; schedule events to happen at certain times, allowing you to

automate server actions without needing to be connected to it

+ Plugin manager; extend the functionality of the server by creating/installing

plugins, which can also be used alongside the event manager

+ Keylogger; write all keys that are typed into specific window to a seperate file

for easy password lookup

+ ... and too much more to write about!



There are a few plugins included; Password retreiver, IP Scanner and Zip add-ons.

There's a tutorial on the Theef homepage showing you how to install and use plugins,

and the Zip plugin is open-source.



Included in this package is UPX, use this to compress your servers after you have

edited them; it will reduce the size of the server down to around 268kb. Use from

the command prompt like so:

UPX --best Server210.exe

And to decompress:

UPX -d Server210.exe

You can configure the editserver to automatically compress your servers, with the packer

of your choice, when you are finished editing them.

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