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How to Crack Cpanel

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Today i will teach you how to crack Cpanel.The tutorial is really easy so i will mostly talk some useless text in here to make the thread a bit longer.The thread will be short and wont take alot time.I personally don't like cracking at all.One reason is that it takes alot of time and second reason is that in cracking you don't have to do anything and think alot instead of hacking.That's another tutorial where you run a tool and it will do the work for you.

For those who doesn't know, Cpanel looks like this.


Now let's start with the tutorial

1)Download the tool :


scanati inainte de toate..

2)Open up the tool and on the Hosts tab write the websites name what you want to crack.

3)choose the port.

4)Write the administrator name to the "user" tab.

5)Upload some wordlist.txt or leave it and use default one Smiling

6)Press the "Start" button.

Look the tool's picture below


Now the tool will start cracking.The valid usernames and passwords will appear at the "Results" box.Another cracking thread where you have to run a tool

Bafta !!

Edited by io.kent

Depinde de cum este configurat cPanel-u. La mine are ban pt doua saptamani dupa 2 attempts. Plus ca majoritatea parolelor sunt generate random de cpanel, dar programul isi atinge scopul :).

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