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htaccess Rewrite Rule problema

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Posted (edited)

Inseamna ca fac altceva gresit. Asta e .htaccess-ul meu. Chestiile comentate au venit, evident, cu instalarea serverului si din ce vad eu nu prea au cum sa interfereze.

# Server root folder www .htaccess
# This file provides server security limiting access to the localhost only.
# Comment next four lines to deactivate. (Allows external access)

Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Allow from
Allow from ::1

# To allow execution of cgi scripts in this directory uncomment next two lines.

AddHandler cgi-script .pl .cgi
Options +ExecCGI +FollowSymLinks

# Activate this section to use the Private Server Feature!
# Defaults: Username - root; Password - root
# Note AuthUserFile: File path is relative to server root
# To lock server, uncomment the next 4 lines. (A name and password is required)

#AuthName "Uniform Server - Server Access"
#AuthType Basic
#AuthUserFile ../../../htpasswd/www/.htpasswd
#Require valid-user

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^articles/([^/]*)/$ /view.php?article_name=$1 [L]


Vreau exact invers. Pentru ca am ceva de genul

<a href="view.php?article_name=blabla"> </a>

Si cand dau click pe linkul ala sa devina localhost/articles/blabla.

Edited by tsuby

@tsuby - tu nici macar nu intelegi ce vrei sa faci :)

Tu trebuie sa transformi link-urile alea sub ce forma vrei tu.

Iar conditia scrisa in .htaccess nu face altceva decat sa iti interpreteze tie altfel link-urile.

Babeste spunand tu trebuie sa ai <a href="articles/bla-bla"> </a>


Ok, poate nu am expus problema foarte clar.

Eu afisez un articol la urmatoarea pagina:


Si vreau, din varii motive ca linkul ala sa fie afisat utilizatorului sub urmatoarea forma:



Imi cer scuze, cand am citit despre link rewritingul asta, nu am citit cum trebuie si am inteles complet altceva(ceva in genul ca acei doi parametri ar fi invers).

Am rezolvat pana la urma, multumesc tuturor si scuze de n00bism.

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