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DebConf13 video recordings

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DebConf13 video recordings

DebConf13 runs August 11-18. Videos of some of the talks are available now. There are also live streams of some talks.

Index of /pub/debian-meetings/2013/debconf13/high

blank.gifName Last modified Size

back.gifParent Directory -

movie.gif965_SPI_BOF.ogv 2013-08-12 03:06 493M

movie.gif966_Technical_Committee_BOF.ogv 2013-08-12 03:30 485M

movie.gif970_Derivatives_panel.ogv 2013-08-13 01:14 506M

movie.gif972_Bits_from_the_DPL.ogv 2013-08-12 03:14 519M

movie.gif976_Debian_Cosmology.ogv 2013-08-12 03:07 528M

movie.gif978_Munin_.ogv 2013-08-12 22:06 469M

movie.gif981_Making_your_package_work_with_systemd.ogv 2013-08-13 01:58 508M

movie.gif983_Why_Debian_should_or_should_not_make_systemd_the_default.ogv 2013-08-13 01:13 544M

movie.gif986_Why_running_a_Blend.ogv 2013-08-12 22:52 494M

movie.gif989_Debian_Science_Roundtable.ogv 2013-08-12 23:26 515M

movie.gif994_Debian_Contributors_BOF.ogv 2013-08-12 03:04 516M

movie.gif1003_Debian_on_Google_Compute_Engine.ogv 2013-08-12 22:00 429M

movie.gif1004_Public_clouds_and_official_Debian_image_status.ogv 2013-08-13 00:24 479M

movie.gif1005_Tutorial_Using_Debian_on_Google_Compute_Engine.ogv 2013-08-12 22:18 526M

movie.gif1007_Debian_derivatives_BoF.ogv 2013-08-12 22:31 549M

movie.gif1013_Hardware_support_in_Debian_stable.ogv 2013-08-12 02:45 200M

movie.gif1015_DebiChem.ogv 2013-08-13 01:09 514M

movie.gif1018_Whats_new_in_the_Linux_kernel.ogv 2013-08-12 02:43 351M

movie.gif1027_Why_Debian_needs_Upstart.ogv 2013-08-13 21:58 528M

movie.gif1031_OpenStack_workshop.ogv 2013-08-12 23:08 438M

movie.gif1036_AWS_Debian.ogv 2013-08-12 22:11 515M

movie.gif1038_How_can_AWS_help_Debian.ogv 2013-08-13 00:34 179M

movie.gif1041_Welcome_talk.ogv 2013-08-12 01:17 280M

movie.gif1048_Recursive_node_classification_for_system_automation.ogv 2013-08-13 22:40 445M

movie.gif1054_dracut.ogv 2013-08-13 21:29 305M

movie.gif1060_ikiwiki_BoF.ogv 2013-08-13 22:25 665M

Via: DebConf13 video recordings [LWN.net]

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