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Website Mapping And Vulnerability Scanning In 3d, Just Like You Saw In The Movies

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Defcon 2013 - The Dawn Of Web 3.0: Website Mapping And Vulnerability Scanning In 3d, Just Like You Saw In The Movies

Description: Remember that scene in Hackers where Jonny Lee Miller and Angelina Jolie get a bunch of hackers to attack Fisher Steven's network through vulnerabilities that they find while flying (literally) through Fisher's network? Even though it had no basis in reality at the time, it was still pretty awesome. This presentation will be like that, except real.

This highly demo-focused presentation will unleash the next generation of web application visualization and security flaw detection. Created as part of DARPA's Cyber Fast Track, we have developed a completely awesome way of visualizing, in 3D, how massive numbers of web applications across the Internet are interconnected. This visualization engine provides a simple yet beautiful view of web applications and their vast, sprawling interconnections, all the while incorporating web application vulnerabilities into the visual metadata.

Teal Rogers is a dedicated maker and software designer who has been advancing existing products through innovative new interfaces for years. Between being a brilliant imagineer, rogue inventor, warrior-poet, master of surprise, and student of the arcane he has managed to design and sell the highest quality laser gloves on the market. More recently, he has been inexorably drawn to the nascent power of the 3rd dimension.

Alejandro Caceres is a computer network operations engineer focused on network offense software development and web application penetration testing and security. He is particularly interested in using distributed computing and offensive security principles to create cool/new/revolutionary open source and free applications with a global impact.

Sursa: Defcon 2013 - The Dawn Of Web 3.0: Website Mapping And Vulnerability Scanning In 3d, Just Like You Saw In The Movies

Kewl stuff :D

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